Can You Give Too Much To Your Kids?

Written By Leon Ho

Can You Give Too Much To Your Kids?

What I'm about to share with you today is kind of controversial.

Not everyone will agree with me and dr. Magdalena.

So here's the thing...

"I want my kids to have everything I didn't have as a kid."

How often do you hear that?

Maybe you've also said it a few times.

I know I did.

It's completely natural to want the best for your kids, after all.

There's nothing wrong with that.

However, if taken to the extreme, this attitude can easily backfire by making your kids entitled from an early age.

And here's where it gets controversial...

Many people would argue that it's NOT possible to give too much to your kids.

But dr. Magdalena Battles thinks differently.

She says that parents need to differentiate between needs and wants.

Needs are crucial for the kid's development.

Things such as food, clothing, school accessories, and others.

Wants, on the other hand, are NOT crucial.

Which doesn't mean you should never buy your kids a smartphone or a piece of expensive clothing.

You just have to understand the difference between needs and wants.

If you want to prevent your kids from becoming entitled, you first need to recognize the signs of entitlement.

So here they are...

1. Things are never enough for them, they always want more

2. They don't express genuine gratitude when appropriate

3. If their friend has something, they expect they should have it too

4. When asked to help, they whine and complain

5. Often think rules apply to others and not them

6. Expect to be rewarded for good behavior

Luckily, there's a way to prevent your kids from developing an entitled attitude.

Watch this video and discover the 6 steps to protect your kids from developing an entitled attitude

Your friend,



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