Can God tell you who to marry?

 Can God tell you who to marry? Yes!

Written By Jonah Sunday

Will God expressly tell everyone who to marry? No!

Does it mean it's only those who hear God audibly that will enjoy a successful marriage? No!

Can you enjoy a successful marriage without hearing God audibly? Yes!

While some people will hear God audibly about who to marry, some will see dreams; others will have visions; others will have a feeling; while some will just know when they meet that person.

The success of a marriage is not necessarily because you heard God or not. God doesn't build marriages for people. Even if you heard God audibly, you can still regret getting married to that person.

It's good to hear God audibly about who to marry, but that's not the end of the story.

While you're labouring to hear God audibly about your future partner, labour to be patient and understanding, to be forgiving and respectful, to be considerate and compassionate, to argue less, to be less angry, to listen attentively and be honest, for those (and more) are what build a successful home.

While you are listening to hear from God, listen to your character.

© Jonah Sunday

Relationship Surgeon.


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