How To Turn A Challenge Into A Success?


How To Turn A Challenge Into A Success? 

Written By Leon Ho, CEO And Founder  For Lifehack 

Like many other people, I was about to fall into desperation in 2020.

I mean, it's just crazy what happened...

One day, I was toasting with my family and friends, celebrating a new year that was about to come.

We were saying goodbye to 2019 and welcoming all the good things 2020 would bring.

So many projects and things we all wanted to accomplish.

2019 has been an incredible year for my business.

We had grown more than expected, and we were helping thousands of people across the world live better lives.

I honestly thought 2020 was going to be even better...

Then, the pandemic hit.

We were forced to go into lockdown.

People started losing their jobs.

All of a sudden, I was surrounded by all these problems and challenges I didn't expect to have.

My business also took a serious hit financially.

My wife, who at that moment was working part-time for a tech company, was also fired from her job.

I just didn't know what to do

I just felt overwhelmed by everything that was going on.

Honestly... I could barely keep myself together.

I was always stressed.

Always anxious.

No motivation to keep going.

And even though I had been working on personal development for so many years.

Even though I'd helped thousands of students worldwide overcome their motivation issues...

I felt as if I was losing my own.

Everything was crumbling.

Not only for me, but all around the world.

And still...

There were some people I knew that didn't look affected at all.

They looked calmed and in control.

How could that be?

How could they be facing so many struggles and challenges and still, stay calm?

That's when I had to remind myself of something I had learned so many years ago.

These people were not superheroes.

They were not special in any way.

All they had was this one trait.

That's what allowed them to stay calmed and turn all these challenges into success.


What is that?

Well, it's the ability to adapt well when faced with adversity and tragedy.

People with resilience were able to deal with huge amounts of stress and hardship and still manage to remain in control.

They can adapt to any situation that comes their way.

And it's what determines whether someone will be successful or not.

Now, that doesn't mean resilient people do not experience stress or anxiety.

It doesn't magically take all difficulties away.

But they know how to cope with those challenges and turn them into successes.

And that's what made a difference in their lives.

I knew that's what I wanted in my life.

So, I started focusing on building up my own resilience.

I worked hard to reframe my thoughts, and start looking at everything that was happening in a different way.

And doing that changed me 

I was able to find the motivation I had lost.

I stopped being overwhelmed by everything that was going around me.

It didn't matter how hard things got, I always felt at peace with myself.

I was calm.

And thanks to that, I could always find the best possible solution to my problems.

So, next time you're going through hardship.


Focus on building up your resilience.

It will be worth it.


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