

 Written By Daniel Noah THE EFFICACY OF COMMUNICATIONS (INFORMATIONS). Before we journey deep into the efficacy of communication, let me give a brief definition on communication. Communication is a channel through which an information is been delivered or passes across to humanity. Communication is a means of transaction that takes place or Flow from the spirit to the  soul then down to the body(Flesh) from a particular source or Chanel. Follow me! What most people don't understand is that, there is an interaction that always runs through your minds and the interactions transform into thought in your mind and you must understand that thoughts are product of those communication/interactions you give your attention to most. Kai ! Time will not permit me to write on conscious and the subconscious mind.  you must understand that communication or interactions has the capacity to reform, rule and take charge over the soul. What you hear daily will either defile your soul or edi...


  Written By Fred Legend ONE OF THE LAW OF WORSHIP EXPERIENCE.                               AS your body needs sleep, your soul needs time to rest in God. To learn more about Him. To talk to Him. To worship and praise Him. To fellowship with other brothers and sisters. Therefore let’s determine to finish well by helping facilitate a lifelong conversation and sense of community between God and the people He has called us to serve. You are eternally blessed.


 Written By Larry Praise YOUR WORD IS ALSO A SEED. All my friends knew me back then with a particular prayer points about marriage. I always tell them I'm going to marry a fair lady, an Igbo lady, beautiful with good shape and full of Holy Ghost. I remember one of my friends said God cannot give me all those features. I asked him is it your prayer? Pls pray your own prayer biko. After some many years the word seed germinate. I even forgot ever prayed those prayers not untill one of my friends called to ask me about my wife. He said so you later married your desire... I was like what do you mean? He then reminded me what I use to tell them then about the kind of woman I want as wife. Wow! I screamed with so much surprise because I didn't remember at all. YOUR WORD IS A POWERFUL SEED THAT NEVER DIES.  KEEP ON SAYING WHAT YOU WANT AND DON'T LET ANY DEVIL SHUT YOUR MOUTH.

You Have Some Character Flaws Or Attitude That Isn't Pleasant.

  You Have Some Character Flaws Or Attitude That Isn't Pleasant. Written By Daniel Okafor What Are Your Character Flaws? You keep losing relationships because people find it difficult to stay around you. You keep receiving lots of complaints about your negative character. But Instead of you to have a retrospection and work on your character. You keep consoling yourself by using low life quotes such as; "I am me and I can't change for anyone" "I owe no explanation for my flaws, love me or fuck off" "When I say or do something I do it, I don't give a damn what you think, I'm doing this for me." "I don't care what anyone thinks or says about me,I just do whatever makes me happy" "Love me or leave me, but me is me.......bla bla bla" (You can add yours in the comment section) These are beliefs that looks harmless but are harmful. It's a delusion to believe that your current state of attitude is the best you could ever...

I Was Asked, Where Can I Find The Key You Always Talk About.

  I Was Asked, Where Can I Find The Key You Always Talk About. Written By Michael C. Samuel I looked at her and asked, do you believe you have a key? She gazed at me and left. Was I surprise? No!  Note: you can read all the books you like concerning with you are seeking but when you haven't convinced your mind to journey with you, no miracle will expose you to the truth in-between the lines of the books you had consumed. On this journey to purpose discovery, you can't walk alone, there is a need for a healthy mindset.

All for Love!

  Written By Philip Odiba All for Love! I thought we had paid it before He said how come we're still owing We were issued the receipt There must be a miss up somewhere Something's not right Oh yeah Someone's going to answer for this No body messes with me Wow I became Speechless Lost in thought We never want to pay one price twice No one wants to repeat payment No we don't It's once and only But look how Christ pays Daily and Over Again Sometimes Same person Same Crime Other times Higher Cost All for Love It's Easy to say I'm ready to lose everything for Christ It's my tears now Don't want to incur more dept I want it paid and once So Help Me Lord #MeAfterSalvation #NoMoreDept #ChristPaidMaBills #Phyll

Do You Believe That Ideas Are Worthless?

 Do You Believe That Ideas Are Worthless? Written By Leon Ho Ideas Are Worthless That's a popular opinion nowadays, especially in the business world. Only execution counts, they say. But I don't agree with that. Because here's the thing... Idea and execution are two sides of the same coin. Neither of them can work without the other. And I can prove that. Let's say you want to build your own business. An online store. What will happen if you take action without a clear idea of what you're doing and what you want to achieve? Well, you could spend money and time without any return. Maybe the market doesn't need what you offer. Maybe the price is too high. Maybe there's no long-term potential for sustainable income. You see, good ideas are based on research. On calculation. If you rush them and start too soon, you could miss the important details. For example, you might not see the obstacles. When you inevitably face them, you could get discouraged. Demotivated....