IT'S A MINUS Writtwn By Michael Chidiebere Ituma At 2:43 AM when I'm supposed to be dozing in bed I'm awake, musing over this thing and feeling so much pity for the people you call loved ones. . . I'm not concerned because it is my problem nor am I concerned because it is my life. From all indications, the life is legitimately yours and no one has the right to own it, to live it but you. . . But you see brother. It's a minus for you to want to live your youthfulness to the extreme, exploring this negative thing, and exploring that mischievous behaviour. . . It is a minus, sister, for you to want to live the full episode of your youthful life digging beyond the limits of the grounds upon which you stand, the grounds that will soon collapse. . . It is such a minus to decide that all you want to do is smoke your life to disaster. Such a minus to want to live your youthfulness as a chain smoker. . . It is a minus to decide that all you want to do in life...