
How Committed Are You?

 Written By Aaron Solomon , A creative writer, and a public speaker How Committed Are You? Commitment means to devote oneself completely to something. The inescapable  truth is that to be truly great at anything, you must devote yourself completely. For  you be a professional,commitment to growth, self-development, learning and  research is not negotiate. Your income as writer is defectively proportional the level  of value you bring to the market. Low value attract low income while high value  attract high income.  How Committed Are You?


 FIRST TIME VISITING YOUR INLAWS?  1) Research about Them. Know what to expect, Ask your partner about their culture, how they greet over there, don't go and say "Hi, good Afternoon Everybody" when they expect you to probably kneel to greet.  You could learn how to greet in their language too (if you are from a different tribe), your in-laws will be happy to know you are trying to learn their ways.  Reseach about the people you'll be meeting, so you don't say things that may embarrass or offend anyone, like if her elder brother lost his wife, don't go and ask him "how's your wife", that you weren't aware will not be an excuse, they may instantly dislike you.   Don't go to your in-laws place for the first time unprepared. First Impression goes a Long way.  2) Dress Well As a Lady, don't dress like you want to seduce all the Men in his family, even if short skirts is your trade, try and dress well that day, Dress decently, don't be ...


  ANÁSTASI Written By Orji Victor CP Anástasi is a Greek word which has the English versions, Anastasis (Singular) or Anastases (Plural). These words mean a recovery, a rebirth, a resurrection, especially the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ is Risen, Yes He is Risen. He arose and not to be erased but to Reign. He rose for our Justification. He rose for our Preservation. He rose for our Manifestation. He rose for our Impartation. He rose for our Manifestation. He Arose and Ascended, He is the head of all the principalities and powers. NO FEAR because our Lord and Saviour is Risen. I live in Him. I resurrected with Him. I ascended with Him. I am sitting with Him in the heavenlies. I am enjoying all He is and has.  HALLELUJAH. Happy Resurrection Day. ©️Orji Victor CP

Seventh Mary!

  Seventh Mary! Written By Odiba Philip I almost got married to Mary But before I got there she was married She was always on my mind I had taken my time to prepare I did all that was necessary But my best wasn't good enough There seem to be a problem between best and good enough Because my Best wasn't good enough for Mary Oh wait Could it be that Mary wasn't good enough for my best I lost her anyway It was the seventh Mary You know  Sometimes we are close to getting this opportunity  But somehow someone gets it before we do So I'm going to check My Preparation and the state of my best So I won't miss my Next Mary. #LivinginVictory #Mary'sTheOpportunity #Won'tMissMyMary #Phyll

I know This Is For Someone Because Of The Push I Had To Write It

  Written By Orji Victor CP I know This Is For Someone Because Of The Push I Had To Write It. Some of the best ways to come out of depression caused by someone's mistreatment, mismanagement, misunderstanding or rejection of you:-  1. Know it that as you have the right to choices and associaion, so also they do. As you want them to respect your right to choices and associaion, so also you have to respect and honour them whenever they exercise their right to choices and association,  even if it affected you negatively, respect and honore it in the spirit of sportsmanship. 2. Understand that in this life, some people will leave you in the morning, afternoon or evening of your life, only few which includes new ones can stay till the night period of your life. Remember, their leaving might not mean that they hate you, it might simply be because they are through with their assignment in your life or you are through with your own assignment in their lives. As they are leaving, b...


  Written By Favour Stephen SHE IS JUST A THOUGHT Here and there she is, Smuggling her way into her victim mind, Without him knowing she strike Taking him on one angle to another Weather she lead him the way of blessing or of destruction Only at the tail end dose her victim understand She's indeed powerful but very gentle Because she is a possessor of double identity She dose have the power to heal and wound It only matters what she came for? She has the power to exploit When back up with focus and emotion But if ignored,she is rendered worthless. You might have cross her path Cause everyone dose cross her path But the power to cherish or ignored her is left for You.. The wise man love her so much Because he has the power to control her And make her walk to his favour The foolish man hate her so much Because anytime she comes she lead him the way of destruction. But ohs' which ever way she walk's She is nothing but an Ideas Giver, Helping or Destroying her victim She is cal...


 WRITING CHALLENGE Written By Daniel Okafor Have you ever taken a break to think of your old fears...those things you were so scared of doing in the past that you're now doing at ease and happy you overcame the fear? Share your experience. There are three things I would like you to pay attention to as to write your experience: 1. Your message. 2. Your story telling skill (Clear, simple and focused) 3. Your choice of words and structure of the narrative. Include the club's hashtags below your write up: #PhronesisReadersClub #WritingTopnotch Post your write up on our Facebook group (  as well as your social media platforms. START NOW It's going to be fun and impacting #writingchallenge Daniel Okafor