
All Because I limited Myself To Focus On One Single Task

 It Was Just Impossible To Finish Everything... Writer From Leon, CEO For Lifehack  Working from home is quite different than what most people think. They believed all distractions would go away.  That they will finally have the time to get things done. No more interruptions from co-workers. No more meetings that took time away from them. They would be able to be productive their entire workday! With the COVID pandemic and everybody being sent home, they realized things don't work quite like that... I learned that the hard way a few years ago... Back then, I had just started working on my business full time. I didn't have a team to take care of all the tasks that needed to be done. It was just me, and there were a lot of tasks to take care of. Every day, I would sit in front of my computer and start working on them. Problem was, there were so many of them I couldn't stay focused on just one. Instead, I would switch between tasks every time I could. If there was a problem ...

Have You Ever Wondered How Some People Can Do Such Thing?

  Seriously,  How Did They Do It?  Writer By Leon Ho Have you ever wondered how some people can do so much in a day? They can go to the gym, pick up their kids from school, go to work, and be home by dinner time. Everything is always organized, and they always accomplish everything they want. They are always productive.  Always getting things done. Plus, they always have time for the really important things like being with their family and taking care of themselves. It's just amazing. Most people's lives are different, though. Tell me if this sounds like you... You're always in a rush. Always going from one place to the other. Always busy, but never getting things done. You wake up early. You work hard the whole day. Still, when you look back after you finish your day, you realize you were not as productive as you thought you were. In fact, you barely got anything done. Nothing that really shows all the hard words you put in. Truth is, people who get things done are ...

Why Should We Do This?

 Are You Aiming High Enough?  Writer By Leon Ho Setting small goals is the worst thing you can do for yourself. You might think that by setting goals that seem reachable, you'll actually achieve them. That you'd be more motivated because what you want seems easy to accomplish. And you would be wrong. Why am I so certain about it? Because I've seen first-hand what having small goals does to people. They kill your motivation. Because you believe the goal is easy to achieve, you don't work as hard to get it. You limit the amount of work you can do. You start underestimating the effort you'll need to put in to succeed. Then, you realize there's more work to achieve that small goal than you thought before. In the end, you don't even achieve what you wanted in the first place. All because you didn't set your goals high enough. Don't worry, though. You can still do something about this.  You can still get the motivation you need to succeed in life. All you ...

What Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back?

 A New World Record  By John Paul  In the year 1954, something strange happened. And it changed the course of human history. Here’s what happened: Before 1954, no human being (on record) had ever run a distance of 1 mile in less than 4 minutes. Because nobody had ever done it, it was believed that the human body could not run that fast. But at a racetrack in Oxford on May 6, 1954, one man changed that belief overnight. His name was Roger Bannister. He became the first human (on record) to run a distance of one mile in less than 4 minutes. And since that day, thousands of people around the world have successfully beat this barrier. In fact, the second person to break the record did it just 46 days after Bannister. What changed? The 4-minute mile was never a physical barrier. It had nothing to do with the natural ability of the human body. The 4-minute mile was purely a psychological barrier. It was only a limiting belief in everybody’s mind. And the moment Bannister broke ...

Sure You’ve Heard This Many Times Before.

This Is The Real Power  Writer By John Paul CEO For Smallstarter   You need information to achieve your goals this year. Just one piece of information can change the game for you. "Information is power."    Sure You’ve Heard This Many Times Before. But guess what? It is a big, fat lie. Information is not power. Let me tell you why. In today’s world of the internet, you can find almost any information you want. All you have to do is search on Google. You will find millions of websites and thousands of YouTube videos that can help you. Yet, with all the information in the world today, we still have a lot of problems. Take entrepreneurs for example. Despite today’s easy access to information, the failure rate of businesses remains very high. Out of every 10 businesses that will start this year, only about 2-3 will be alive in five years. Many entrepreneurs still struggle with raising money, selling their products, and many of the other problems that come with starting a...

Is Your Dog Patient?

 Is Your Dog Patient? Writer By Emmanuel Israel And Topic of the Content By Chibuzor Michael  I have seen several patient dogs, not many are as healthy as hyped and expected. Gone are those days when the fattest bone used to be kept for the dog who exhibits patience.These days,any dog who wishes to be the first to partake in any meal prepared with fat bones  must be willing to  display some level of  curiosity, hunger,desperation and smartness. Patience is vital, but one cannot always  apply patience when there is  need to rise in anger  towards achieving a certain aim and hunger. Don't be reluctant to act and strive for what you want as at when expected. If you want to be successful, don't wait till success comes to you, Stand up to what you want, otherwise, the fattest bone may never get to your dwelling no matter how patient you are.

An Inspiring Example For Quality Over Quantity

  You Need This... Writer By John Paul Iwuoha Last year, one of my clients was trying to hire a general manager for his company. We published a vacancy in the newspaper and on social media. We looked at profiles on LinkedIn. In the end, guess how we finally found the best candidate who was hired? By referral. One of my client’s trusted friends recommended the guy and vouched for his skills. Did you know that referral is the most trusted source for hiring people in senior, important, and strategic positions? ---- These days, thanks to social media, you can advertise your business to anyone you want. But despite all the money people spend advertising on social media, there is still one strategy that works 1,000 times better than social media. Do you know what it is? It is referrals. When people tell their friends about how good your product is, the influence of word-of-mouth advertising is far stronger than any other form of advertising. ---- Every week, investors around the world re...