
Eventually millionaire: how to use Facebook messenger chatbots to attract and delight your customers

Written and directed by Jaime warmest It’s not often that a brand-new marketing channel comes along. But when it does, becoming an early adopter can pay off. BIG TIME. Just think back to the 2000s, when email marketing was still relatively new. If you had a large email list at that time, you basically had a license to print money. Because the response rate was still high, it was easy to turn subscribers into sales. Fast-forward to 2019, and email marketing isn’t nearly as effective as it used to be. It’s gotten way too saturated. But there is a NEW marketing channel that’s poised to inherit email’s crown as the #1 most profitable way to generate new customers: Facebook Messenger chatbots. Facebook Messenger is a fantastic place to connect with your audience. First of all, it’s huge (1.2 BILLION monthly users and counting). Second of all, people are highly active on it (open rates are 80%+, compared to 20% for email). And finally, people love using it. We live i...

Too good to be true

John Paul- E-mail director for smallstarter business Today’s lesson is about one of the most common reasons why investors reject investment proposals. Sometimes, you may pitch to an investor or send a copy of your business plan only to get one of the following responses: “We like your idea, but your numbers look too good to be true.”, or “We think your business is a good opportunity but your numbers don’t add up.” Yes, today’s lesson is about the numbers. It’s usually the weakest link in investment pitches and business plans. And no matter how confident you are, or how innovative your product is, an investor may love it, but the numbers have to work. That’s because, in the end, investors make most of their investment decisions based on numbers. And if you can’t give them the right numbers, they can’t make a decision. And if they can’t make a decision, you don't get their money. See the connection now? So, today’s lesson is inspired by an email I received f...

Lovely mother’s quotes to her children.

  By Michael C.Onah Lovely mother’s quotes written and directed  by Michael C.Onah. I have studied enough and figured out the real mothers  duties in the life of her children It totally incredible. How sweet and caring mother’s are .  Women do not leave your baby in the hands of maid And   just permit me to say something, ‘mothers are the bread winners at home and most especially in children’s affairs’. A mother can do anything,  absolutely anything for her child’s thrive in something he or she wants to do like  good stuff. Let briefly see some wonderful mother’s quotes. It night fall and the moon breaks the universe   when we sit together round circle I tell   story why the tortoise had broken bark. Michael C.Onah It better I falls sick than my child carries the pain. Michael C.Onah I have always known the date of my   child birth but none have ask ‘mum when were you born?’. ...

How to save a penny and earn in many

by ChibuzorM. Onah While I was surfing the book, author of the richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason, some time back, I’ve learned one important stuff that cannot go off my mind  how to do savings. In that book it taught me savings to future or better still to tomorrow. Arkad  is a known populous and most wealthy person in the city of Babylon. There comes a time while his friends had to rush on him, he should explain to them, what’s the secret to his wealth? ‘You and I are age mates; we attended same college and sat under same roof for tuition our tutor. And neither did we overcame one another, we were all same grades Or maybe you’re fortunate to work harder than we are’, said Dullard. Arkad never intend running out of words he knew the answer he shall give to them. ‘Simple, it is because you  fail the law of savings. We work same effort, our strength justifies that but how do we manage our resources? A wise person saves some part of his money while f...

9 Things that can get a woman upset and threaten to kill her husband.

        By Michael C.Onah  It really happening life not a say story without prove, while a lady stab her husband to dead because he had flirt around with a lady at the bar one night when he arrived late home. You can imagine most times guys brought whole of this mess to themselves and they faced it to an end. But for the woman that shouldn’t make you move on that expensive way, there are better ways handling such case in life. Let discus ways they threaten killing them.                                          **** 1 Staying late at night                 It didn’t just strike a balance the guy is doing something funny or probably cheating on her with another girl behind closed door, could you ever thought...