Ideas And Concept!



Written By Wisdom Alexander,


One thing that sells much faster than anything else in this technology-driven society is ideas and concept!

You cannot underestimate the importance of building a concept for that particular business idea you have at the moment.

Let me give you a simple biblical illustration to drive home this point:

God gave Adam the privilege of naming the various animals that was ever created on the earth. Undoubtedly, the original idea for creating those animals was actually from God. 

But God appointed Adam to build a concept for that creative idea by calling those animals by a specific name that everyone can relate with. And whatever Adam calls those animals was what they automatically represented in the eyes of society!

Every successful company or individual have a name coined in specific words or languages by which they're called and known for. In otherwords, these companies or individuals have successfully designed a concept for their original idea that others can relate with globally! You may call it branding, but it goes beyond that. 

As an individual or business owner, you must be able to conceptualize your idea, using specific group of words, images or language that your audience can easily relate with both mentally and technologically!

Once you've gotten that sorted out, it becomes very easy for you to dominate the online space and influence others with your product and services because you don't just have a voice at this time, but you also do have a language or image impressed within your audience when they hear or see it!

Ideas without concept, is like a skeleton without flesh. And who wants to relate with a thing that has taken form but no shape?

Brood over that idea one more time and think of a concept that matches it. This will enable you and your business to stand out above the crowd with huge patronages and reputation!



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