How To Diversify In A Crisis

By John Paul - SmallStarter Business Africa
🌼🌱 🌱🌼

trust you and your family are safe.
If you're like most people I've been talking to, this crisis took you by surprise. Many of us didn't see it coming.
For some people, the impact on their business has been very damaging. For some others, not so much.
Apart from the so-called "essential" services, when you look at most of the businesses that haven't been hardly hit by the current crisis, you will notice they have one quality in common.
They don't really require physical contact with their customers.
They are businesses that run partly, or fully, on the Internet.
While oil companies are groaning and the crisis is hitting markets around the world, the stocks of companies like Amazon and Netflix are rising.
This is exactly why you need to start thinking seriously about this.
If you're going to change one thing about your business during or after this crisis, it should be to migrate or diversify some of your business interests on the Internet.
We now know that putting all our eggs in the physical world is not a risk-proof strategy. You need to diversify your income base.
So, based on popular demand, I have created a new Free course: The Online Business Revolution Course.
In my signature style, I break down the economy of the internet in a way that my technophobe grandmother would understand it.
In this new course, I will show you the 7 major areas of opportunity on the internet and specific examples and success stories of real people who have made the move to migrate or diversify their business and income to the Internet.
This has nothing to do with Forex, Crypto or any of those fast money internet schemes a lot of people fall for.
This is an exposΓ© into the silent, but growing opportunity that the internet presents.
And this is not an introduction course you want to miss.
It's FREE for now. So, make sure you use this opportunity while it's available.
How to join the course
We have created a dedicated Facebook Group for all members of this email list.
Rather than just my Friday emails, we now have a group where we can catch up during the week, learn more, and likely get more of your questions answered.
Especially in the middle of the current crisis, the new group will help me be closer to all of you and provide help quicker than an email could.
So, at 12 noon (GMT) on Monday, 18 May 2020, I shall be sharing the new course with everyone in the Facebook Group.
I shall also be using the group to make important announcements that cannot wait until Friday.
So, if you've been enjoying my Friday emails, wait until you see how much value you're going to get from joining the new group on Facebook.
Note: Facebook groups are free. You don't have to pay anything to join this one.
Here's the link to the new Facebook Group:
Make sure you look out for the link to the new course on Monday. I will paste it inside the group.
Once you've joined the group, don't forget to invite your smart friends to join too.
The more like-minded people we have in there, the merrier we'll be.
Stay safe. Stay positive.


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