

  MARK SUCH PEOPLE AND AVOID THEM ================================ Writer From Chinwendu Nneamaka,  A Member For Phronesis Readers Club  By now you're wondering what I want to talk about, if you must know, then keep reading. . . Mike had always asked to talk with me but I had been busy with different things. Again, he called me for the same reason but this time, I couldn't give any excuse because his voice emitted worries.  . . I invited him over to the house. Usually, he would take so much time to show up, but that day was different. He staggered through the door and whiffed of alcohol. He appeared worn-out, like he'd spent the entire day molding blocks. Unlike some guys I know, he barely resorts to alcohol in his most trying times, so his present state was unusual. . . I offered a sit to him and a glass of water to cool off as I struggled to conceal my disappointment.  . . "Why are you like this," I asked, piercing my face on his. The look on his face made me re

How To Stop Over Complicating Things In Your Life

 How To Stop Over Complicating Things In Your Life  Writer By Leon Ho  Let's face it. We all like to overcomplicate things. We believe each one of our goals needs to have deep planning and complex solutions. That everything is not as easy as it seems. In fact, if something is not complex enough,we immediately think it's not a good solution to our problems. I know. I used to be like that. See, a couple of years ago, I decided to start living a healthier life. I was working way too many hours back then, and my body was starting to pay the consequences So, I decided to start exercising more and change my eating habits. Problem was I didn't just get up the next morning and go for a run... That's what I should've done. Instead, I got all stressed about what the best course of action was... I started looking for the best gyms in my area. I looked online for the best routines that would allow me to get results faster. I researched the best diets available and their pros an


I USED TO BE SCARED OF THE FUTURE. Writer From Merry Paul Salawu I had always had dreams of becoming great right from when I was a kid, I dreamed of a life where I'll be able to have anything I need at my beck and call.  The only challenge I had was a thought that seldom visits me: a strange feeling that my dreams might not come true. That thought which culminated into a strange feeling made me a little scared and insecure about the future. Prayers of breaking generational curses and breaking demonic covenants was so intense. I was always on a look out, working hard on myself spiritually in much prayers and often fasting, fighting my fears of not becoming great in the future. At a point in my life I got tired of breaking generational curses and demonic covenants my forefathers might have entered on my behalf.  I know a lot of those reading this post now can relate. One day upon the study of God's word I made a discovery that eliminated my fears forever. Colossians 2:13-15 13] A

Former US President Barack Obama Said:

 Former US President Barack Obama Said: Writer From Ex-president,  Barack Obama  *"When I think about the depth of the grave and the kilos of sand that are going to be thrown at us, there is no need to harm my brother**  *When I think of the darkness that pervades the tomb after it has closed, there is no need to hurt my sister;* *When I think of the heat driven back by the ground and the amount of water that will drown me during the rains in this grave, I cannot make my neighbour suffer;* *When I think that I will be alone abandoned by all, I prefer to enjoy communion when I am alive;* *When I think my relationships are cut off by my past, I want to perfect my future*. *If I could be reborn and start all over again, I would no longer make mistakes in my actions*. *After a long meditation, I understood that all is vanity on earth.* *May God help us to cultivate humility and love of neighbour, because vanity only gives vanity, everything will be vanity.*

3 Exciting Business Tip In 2021

Writer From John Paul,  CEO For Smallstarter business Africa   3 Exciting Business Tip  The BIG 5 challenges are: raising funds, starting up, making more sales to grow the business, building strong systems to run the business, and hiring and keeping the right people. All of these tips come from insights and conversations we’ve had inside our private members’ area during the week. Today’s tips are about raising capital, testing a business idea, and building processes to support your business Here they are: RAISING CAPITAL – how to survive financial trouble There are only three ways a business can get funds to support itself – from customers, from suppliers, and from investors or financiers (like banks). Most successful businesses make most of their money from customers. As long as your customers are happy, they will not ask for their money back. But your suppliers and investors are different. They will want their money back. Many entrepreneurs are focused on raising money from investors

Goals Are Not Important

  Goals Are Not Important Writer By Daniel Okafor,  Founder For Phronesis Readers Club  Most people have this mindset, they place little emphasis on the usefulness of goals. At times this mindset comes as a result of the environment, association or background of people. If you find yourself in this category, you have to be delibrate in rising above this mediocre mindset. "Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is one of the greatest insanity" If you want 2021 to be different and better, set goals for yourself this year. It's so boring and unmotivating to live your life without setting goals.

The BIG 5 Challenges Are:

  The BIG 5 Challenges Are: Writer From John Paul,  CEO For Smallstarter business Africa  First of all, I want to talk to you about something very crucial and could add value when you practice it,  listen to me very attentive,  life is important and full of challenges everything you're doing or you want to venture into,  believe me you that's just it.  Don't think is easy,  never you ever nurture that thought in your mind or some body talking into you about it because is a witch craft,  falsehood and not truesm. Have you ever ask your self this question,  Like,  why are my friends or any body at all giving up just one time? The answer is some of them think life easy and not realising that it takes the heart of a lion to succeed,  don't have a chicken heart but please have a lion's heart.Your better day starts with a challenge and  end day ends with success that means if you don't give up . The Piece is From Chibuzor Michael Onah.  I want to tell you,  The BIG 5