LIVING WITH HIGHER POWER EVERYDAY!! Written By Wisdom Alexander, A Content Writer And Personal Development Coach. How do you go from living in fear and doubt, to living in faith and certainty? How do you go from living in abject rejection, to living in love, confidence and stability? How do you go from experiencing a downtime to staying upbeat and motivated? Personally, I've been able to read through and discover the 'higher power' most individuals have tapped into; which had enable them to come out strong despite the difficulties and challenges facing them. 1. The calculated risk factor! If you value security over risk, then you will have to sit much longer and let your challenges run you down. History has it that many who came out of the great depression of the early and late 60s did so by taking calculated risk. Some calculated risk end up making you rich and happier, if you know exactly when and how to take it. 2. The 'Never give up' factor! Challenges alway...