

 THE MINISTERS WIVES Written By Orji Victor CP I went for a programme somewhere and I saw 2 Children running around inside the Church during service.  I asked one of the associate Pastors seating beside me why they can't control the Children, the young Man said "SIR, IT'S A NO GO AREA, NO ONE CAN TRY TO CORRECT, CAUTION OR CONTROL THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SENIOR PASTOR'S CHILDREN" I felt bad and when I was introduced, I decided not to talk about it or react to it since it is their way of living there, I came to build and not to cause trouble, so I ignored them, but to be sincere to you, I was seriously distracted that day. When the service was over and I was being taken to where I was lodged by the senior pastor, I used the opportunity to ask him about the kids and why they were not been controlled or cautioned? He said everybody in the Church is afraid of his  wife's reaction if they do correct any of his Children, because of that everyone decided to stay cl...


 A SOLDIER'S LAST NOTE My love. Today I set out to war. To settle an unfinished score. For the angels at home. Against demons abroad. Another mission For the peace of the nation Walking into death vallies. Cleaving unto poisonous lillies. I embark yet again On another journey Another adventure of pain Threading on paths of agony I might not make it today. I might not write to you tomorrow. I might not come back today. I might not call you tomorrow. My heart is heavy. My eyes are teary. This is me saying goodbye. I can't help but ask myself why. In case I don't return. Do take care of our son. Bullets and grenades may set us apart. Our love will never depart. If I become stiff and breathless. My spirit will still love you. If I finally become lifeless. My soul will still cherish you. I love you my sunshine. My fresh wine. Stay strong for me. May God guide you for me.


 WHAT MY PASTOR TAUGHT ME ABOUT RELATIONSHIP AND  MARRIAGE (For young men,  and women that care about them)  Written By Merry Paul. I remember clearly,  it was a glorious Sunday in 2015, I can't recall the day or the month. After a mind blowing service I had to see pastor briefly in his office. His wife preached powerfully that day and I was wowed by her delivery. I said in my heart,  I'll love to have a wife like this.  While we were discussing in Pastor's office, in way of compliment or admiration I said to Him "Daddy I really like mama, her teaching was awesome, I trust God for someone like her too" He smiled and replied "She has not always been like that, I moulded her into what she has become. Women are like raw materials, you have the responsibility of finishing them into your desire". Wow ,  that was a heavy eye opener for me. Then pastor began to teach me the code for succesful relationship that will lead to a glorious and fulfilling marri...


 Written By Sarah David LOVEBIRDS PLEASE DATE WITH A GOAL No one embarks on a journey without knowing his/her destination. No students seeks for admission into an institution of learning without the aim of graduating. The problem in most relationships today is that most lovers starts a relationship without a defined purpose. They just date in order to feel belong, others date because they feel they are in love and that's enough reason to be in a relationship. Most people just date without a plan, without setting goals, they don't talk about the destination of their love journey. They keep driving(dating) till their car (relationship) hits the rock.  Dear Boo/bae in love, Please never get involve in a relationship without having a goal in mind. Don't embark on that love journey without knowing the end point. Please before entering a relationship with the opposite sex, ask yourselves..... WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS RELATIONSHIP? Are we gonna be dating for the sake of it? Are...


 CALL HOME NOW! Written By Merry Paul Who is in this room that has not yet understood the power of prayer?  Who is in this room, that is always trying to figure things out him or herself?  Who is in this room, underutilizing the power, operation and ministry of the precious Holy Spirit.  Who is the God in this room that is dying in silence like a mere man and falling like one of the princes.  Do you not know that you have been redeemed?  Do you not know that the veil that stood gallantly as a barrier between you and God was divided and totally removed in the death,  burial and resurrection of Jesus?  Why do you keep calling friends that can't help then unbelievably refusing to call home: your true refuge and abode?  I'm asked to remind you by the Great One, the Almighty Divine that Home is not far away, Home is within you in Christ Jesus, if you've believed.  God won't hear from heaven, He'll hear from within you. Stop hovering around an...


 CHURCH UNITY Written By Fred Legend When the church is unified and the Lord is glorified, then the saints will be edified, sinners will be sanctified, and the devil will be terrified. All this can only be fulfilled when our heart is sanctified and make the dwelling place of God. Pastor Fred Legend


  WILL YOU COME FOR ME Written By Unknown Person If I trade unseemly road, And Ignorant covers my eyes, If confusion romance my mind, And darkness wraps me like a blanket. Or if Sorrow pledge to be my friend, What if the night never turn day, Will you come for my rescue?oh friend Will you reached out your hands that I may be helped out? Will you fight for light till you feed my eyes to See? Can you help me fight the  voices that downgraded my dignity and integrity? Will you come for my Rescue? Or what if the ocean of pressure drawn me  And my company are tears,pains and a broken heart. Will you,oh my dear friend come? Will you come? My dear friend, will you come?         Divinity Ink..