

  HOW DO I DISCOVER MY PURPOSE? Written By Michael C. Samuel. It is very rare now to see a platform that isn't talking about the purpose.  It gives me joy knowing that the world is coming to embrace this light and I am super excited about the change. Indeed, everyone is focusing on living a purposeful and fulfilled life using the gift given to them during creation. But there is a predicament. This storm is trying to deny a lot of individuals who are willing to walk through the path already orchestrated from them during birth. The dilemma of not knowing how to discover the gift in them has taken willing souls to the grave without maximizing their purpose. I had always said this, when you are looking for something which you are not the one who kept it, return to the owner of what you are surveying and seek his or her advice on how to unearth it. This is bringing us tighter to the discussion of today. From all inklings, we know that God is the creator of everything and it will be...


  Credit From The Unknown Person THE ACCESS TO A PASTOR.  If you are close to a Pastor, there are things you must know and settle fast. If you do not settle it, you will walk into offence and it will truncate your relationship with both God and man. It will cause you pain and hinder purpose.  Access is the best gift a man can give to you. If you do not know how to handle it, you will be locked out of your training school.  Michal, the daughter of Saul, the wife of David, knew David from the days he showed up in the palace as that shepherd boy. She saw him rise in the military. She saw her father Saul scheme to kill David.  She knew David in his "small boy" moments. She did not connect to the kingship, priesthood and prophetic dimension of David. The image of that "shepherd boy" never left her. Therefore, when David did his thing in worshipping God, she despised him. She never accepted his priesthood.  Do you know David was on his way home to bless his famil...


  SAID NO TO A JOB OFFER Written By Debbie  Okorie My friends were like, "Debbie are you sure you're okay?" Another said I should better grab the offer with both hands. Well, I know if it is other corper's that got the offer they won't mind changing their PPA just to grab the opportunity. But I said NO. This is what happens when you position yourself. You will be the one to make choices. Do you think there are no jobs out there? Well, the truth is there are more opportunities out there than you can imagine. You're only limited to the ones you know of. You can only operate at the level of the information that you have. Take your personal development seriously and be value-conscious. Build yourself to the extent of having different opportunities available for you to choose from. WAYS TO POSITION YOURSELF ∆. Learning a high-income skill is the first step because your skill will position you well. ∆. Be value-oriented. When your attention is on creating solutions ...


  Written By Daniel Okafor, CEO/Founder For Phronesis Readers Club DON'T LOSE YOUR READING CUTTING EDGE  Hello Phronesers, here is a quick one;  "The purpose of reading is not just to finish a book, reading is not an end in itself but a means to an end. " Reading is a skill, tool or habit that widens your perspective, broadens your vision, shapen your mindset.........(it goes on). As a result of lack of consistency, your cutting edge in reading can be blunt.  When you stop reading for a certain period of time, it becomes quite difficult for you to keep reading as you ought to.  Your reading skill can be improved on and it can be deteriorated. It all depends on you.                     Create a system, that ensures you read a book daily, no matter how busy your schedule might be. With that your cutting edge in reading would be sharp and not blunt .          I'm sure you got value. ...


  YOU CAN DO IT Written By Fred Legend Do you sometime tell yourself I can't do it? Well guess what yes you can. God has a plan for everyone and as Christians we are to make differences in the world. Don't be like other Christians, be like Christ. You might be the only Christian in your family and God can use you to get everyone saved. #YOUCANDOIT#


 BOUNDARIES IN COURTSHIP Alexandra Grace Oluwapelumi there's no amount of boundaries you will set in your courtship that if you are not strictly trained and fortified by the word of God you will end up breaking the boundaries yourselves. The power of sin needs to be condemned in you already for you to be able to overcome temptations in your courtship. Sin has to be irritated to you firstly. You need to be reading the word of God consistently to  refresh your soul from those things you have heard ,seen and said in your courttship that can prompt you in developing the serious urge for sex. If the power of sin is not condemned in you yet, you will still end up breaking boundaries yourselves..... Because there is no way, your fiance will look very sexy at times. That he or she will just look at you like this. You will just behold the beauty in him or her. You will just feel like Kissing him/her. You will be like, this guy is fine today o....see his lips...see his physique ,see his...


 WHAT IS DELAYING YOU FROM GETTING YOUR ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE? Written By Daniel Adebayo Copywriter/Content Creator. This article was borne out of the experience that my uncle had some years ago. He had been working under the Oyo State Government for some years but it got to a time that the teachers were requested to present their ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE; that was when my uncle got prepared to travel down to Ekiti State University hoping that he would get the certificate that very day and return home. Lo and behold, when he got to the school at the Exams and Records, it was discovered that one of his results was not inputted, so his certificate was not ready for collection. Chai... He felt so sad because that had truncated his plan, although he still remembered vividly that he scored 70 marks in that course, but unfortunately, the score was not recorded. This incident happened about two decades after he left school. But thank God, his lecturer then happened to be the V.C at the time, s...