
10 Ways To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

 *10 Ways To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out* By _Tyler Omoth_ No matter what stage of the job-search process you're in, you'll always need a LinkedIn profile that stands out. With more than 600 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is easily the largest professional network on the planet. If you're serious about your career and professional advancement, you need a LinkedIn profile that's optimized and up to date. Your LinkedIn profile is your chance to get your name and face in front of hundreds (or even thousands) of professionals in your industry. If you're looking for a job, that's essential. However, it's not enough to just have a LinkedIn page. You need a great LinkedIn profile that draws attention, says the right things, and helps you really connect with the people who can help you expand your career.  *Here are 10 simple tips to help make your LinkedIn profile stand out:* *1. Add your headshot* The most simple thing you can do to upgrade your Linked...


*KNOW YOUR WORTH*  ©Uwalaka Charity 💨💨💡💨 So it's more like a norm to be in adverse competition and strife with people who offer same services with you . And I ponder ... Who did this to us? It's only when you don't know your worth that you  develop strife and get into unhealthy competitions. The world is super large for millions of you offering one particular service/product to collide. *There is one truth you must align with and that is - ABUNDANCE* You cannot align with this truth till you've deliberately known your worth . Knowing your worth ignites a sense of confidence, you just know that you don't have to take anything from anyone the hard way when there is an intelligent substance inside of you. *That intelligent substance is your creative ability*. It is inherent in the constitution of Cosmos that a man who knows his worth ,walks in the path of greatness. Knowing your worth governs a greater percentage of the things you do— *Not only would you attain gre...


CHALLENGES OF LIFE PRODUCE CHAMPIONS! ...Orji Victor CP 🕊🦅🦆🕸🐿🦄🦄  You are not strong because everything is going on well with/for you. You are strong because you were able to stand tall and strong after the storm(s) of life have given you some hot blows, without you hurting anyone. CHALLENGES OF LIFE PRODUCE CHAMPIONS! Receive grace to remain strong during and after every storm of life, in Jesus name, Amen. ...Orji Victor CP #pstorjivictorcp #challengesoflifeproducechampions

How far Would You Go In This Life, It Depends On...

  Hi Friend , How far Would You Go  In This Life,  It Depends On...  Written By Leon CEO Of Lifehack  🦄🐿🕸🦆🕊🦅🕊🥞 I purchased a new table over the weekend, and my sons wanted to watch me put it together. Unfortunately, I didn't have a power drill, so I had to use a screw driver to manually screw the legs to the table top.  My sons were really excited and intrigued by my efforts as I pretended like it took a lot of strength to screw in each screw. My elder son kept going  "Dad I believe in you! You can do it!"  They screamed in victory when I screwed in the last leg and had the table set up. How I wish it were always this easy to please them!  But my son's encouragement did remind me about the power of believing in yourself.  I wanted to show my sons that if I believed in my ability to put that table together, then I would succeed even if it was 'hard'. It's a simple example but it drove the message home to my kids that it's importan...

Simple Principles To Make The Most Feetback

  Hi – Friend,   Simple Principles To Make The Most Feetback  By  Carthage Buckley  🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤐 If you spend a lot of time on the internet, you have probably encountered some of the nasty comments and vitriol that are spread there. I have too and, I have mentioned them to readers before.  But last week I received a wonderful example of feedback from a reader and it contained 3 simple principles that I wanted to share with you to help you make feedback more valuable. I have written a short article to do just that. Check it out here Have a fantastic day, Carthage

Philosophical Principles Of Tae Kwon Do

  *Philosophical Principles Of Tae Kwon Do:* The Tae kwon Do 💨💦💫💡💤💢🔥 1. Be willing to go where the going may be tough and do the things that are worth doing even though they are difficult. 2. Be gentle to the weak and tough to the strong. 3. Be content with what you have in money and position but never in skills. 4. Always finish what you begin, be it large or small. 5. Be a willing teacher to anyone regardless of religion, race, or ideology. 6. Never yield to repression or threat in the pursuit of a noble cause. 7. Teach attitude and skill with action rather than words. 8. Always be yourself even though your circumstances may change. 9. Be the eternal teacher who teaches with the body when young, with words when old, and by moral precept even after death.

Hi Friend, How To Make This Your Year Turning Point For Change

    Hi Friend,  How To Make This  Your   Year  Turning Point For Change  🚭☣🛐⏭⚛ I'm curious to know if you've noticed any changes to your eating habits this year..  I know, I know, it might sound like a strange question to ask.. but with the waves of lockdown happening throughout the year, it's caused inconvenience for many.  Grocery stores have been wiped out, or people have not been able to make it out. Restaurants are either shut or operating timings have been reduced.  Many have ended up cooking at home, or having to make do with basic ingredients and whatever's available at the supermarket.  Others have turned to meal plans or food delivery.  For some, the upside is that it's been a chance to use the kitchen again. For others, it's become a downhill of take aways and snacking or binge eating due to being home all the time.  Now you see where I'm going with this?  Our eating habits during lockdown has changed.. a...