File Good Memories!


Written By Wisdom Alexander 

A young lady confessed of how frustrated she was after missing out on a great opportunity that came her way. It was a campus beauty contest, where each contestant was to show off their beauty and their level of intelligence too!

The prize allotted for the winner and the runner-ups was too good enough for any contestant to want to miss out on. Unfortunately, this lady never came close to winning. She wasn't even among the runner-ups.

Her case was just like what king Solomon described in the bible book of Proverbs: 

'Hope deferred makes the heart sick'

Indeed, her high hopes of winning the prize were dashed in pieces. As she left that event sulking, thoughts begins to pour into her mind that rejuvenated her:

1. Even if I didn't win the prize, at least I won the privilege of making great friends and learning new things!

2. Even if I didn't win the prize, I won the luxury of lodging in a luxurious hotel and having the best time of my life!

3. Even if I didn't win the prize, I won the applause and commendation of my family, friends and fans. I felt like a celebrity for the first time of my life.

She discovered that in her misery lies rich memories that transformed every moment of her life!

I think this should also apply to everyone reading this post.

Learn to file good memories, even when it seems you have failed at something!

Rich memories can create eureka moment for you!

So, keep good memories and cherish every moment!

Good memories are tonic  to the soul!




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