Written By Orji Victor CP

No matter how spiritually strong you are, you equally need to be emotionally stronger too, 

if not:- 

> You might run away from who or what you are stronger than due to fear (Elijah ran from Jezebel)

> You might reveal what you are supposed to keep secret due to sweet love talk/emotional blackmail (Samson revealed the secret of his strength)

> You might disobey God's instructions due to anger and ego (Moses and the Rock)

> You might deny your Master due to fear of people (Peter denied Jesus)

> You might run back to what God delivered you from due to hunger (Peter went back to fishing)

> You might accept what God didn't want you to accept due to greedy and insensitive (Gehezi and Naaman)

> You might fall into destiny destroying error due to lust of the flesh and carnality (Samson went for the woman he supposed not to marry)

> You might loose your right due to lack of patient and glutony (Easu lost his birthday)

> You might loose your throne due to familiarity and self will (Saul lost his throne)

> You might loose your relevance and significance due to love position (James and John)

> You might be dethroned due to delay and shakara (Vashti)

> You might become evil due to competition and pride (Lucifer)

> You might kill due to uncontrollable desire (David killed Uriah)

> You might waste your destiny due to riotous life style (The Prodigal Son)

> You might keep acquiring what might end your life due to quest for more (Solomon)

> You might even sell your master due to the love of money (Judas Iscariot)

> You might accept what or who you supposed to caution due to unchecked love (Adam to Eve)

> You might fall into a destiny destroying error due to some minutes sexual urge (David, Reuben and Amnon)

> You might eat who/what you supposed to save due to unchecked love (Lot to his daughters)

> You might fight who is meant to help you due to I have arrived spirit (Lot to Abraham)

> You might give up at the point of success (Sarah)

> You might separate or run away from who is meant to defend and make you (Lot from Abraham)

*** Lack of emotional growth, stability and control has brought a lot of great people down and even destroyed so many ***

Watch your will, desires, lust, decisions, actions and feelings, because a mistake in any of them might take over 20 years to correct, while some might not be corrected again for life.

As you grow in the spirit and knowledge of Christ, as you grow in wisdom, stature and physical, I pray that you grow emotionally too, so you don't destroy yourself by yourself, in Jesus name, Amen.

Love from 

©️Orji Victor CP



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