Written By Michael Chidiebere Ituma


If you're young, full of dreams, having aspirations, and being hopeful for better days, you're in the danger zone of life. There is a bloody war going on; you can't afford to loss. 


There are strong forces of nature that will tend to deter you from going as far as you're supposed. They don't care. Their mission - those forces - is to make sure nothing good comes out of your tireless struggles. These forces are more spiritual than your mortal abilities can freely combat with ease.  


You will plot strategic roadmap for your movement; they will surface as obstacles. You will write down your every plan for your journey in life; they will materialize as insurmountable mountains. Try to make a decision that will help you and your generations unborn; they will nose through the walls, eavesdrop on your inert thoughts, and improvise your decisions to work against you. 


One way or the other, these forces have their ways of creeping into your everyday life, their only mission being to dismantle your tents of preparation in defense of your dreams and aspirations against the ruthless wars the future will always mete. 


If you see the crack in the wall early enough you will become the better for it. If you take necessary actions towards safeguarding such dreams and aspirations as you have, you will be even the best for it. The first thing to do is to perceive that you're in for a bloody war, then, unapologetically, find ways to navigate your defiant rivals. 


Talking about these forces, you will have them in their hierarchy of occurrence... 



This is where the great fall begins for most young people who will eventually grow into adults and want to build their own family. 

The legacy has been twisted, the foundation badly lain, the mindset sophisticated, and vision for the future blurred. These are also the set of people who are most likely prone to suicidal thoughts and an eventual commission to the act. 

For people caught in this web, it is seemingly way too difficult to restructure the mindset that has already been imprinted in their minds. And even if they run into a messiah sometime in the future, how about their clueless offsprings who have taken a piece of their chip? 

This fight is indeed the first that must be won. This force is such a one that must be overcome with caution. If it remains an obstacle in the way of its victim, your way maybe,  there is little or no chances of becoming successful with their/your dreams and aspirations. 



Here, it is even a more serious issue. Much like the issue of poor parental upbringing, there is need for every young person to launch out of this miserable state. Not to thing of the fact that poverty is not in any way close to success. 

Poverty, for those who have in them the DNA of superstition, is a curse. But this is in contrast for those who have the right mindset and who see beyond the tall walls of superstition. 

In the present age, poverty is a choice anyone has to make. You either choose to be rich, or relish the complacency that succeeds being impoverished. Simple. 

Every young person who knows there is a future to live in, would not need to be prophesied to, the importance of making money - and the right way. 

This force can be subdued depending on your decision and choice as a young person. 



Music, videos, games, gambling (sports bet), the party life, the extravagant lifestyle, cultism, gangsterism, fraud, reality shows, romantic relationships, and many more are the present day code for distracting the young and productive mind. 

These things come disguised as normalcy, some (like romantic relationships outside wedlock) are hallowed, but in actual sense, the mission is to buy your precious youthful moment off you for a penny. The consequences of not living a productive youthful life is way too small to commensurate the penny you receive in return. 

This force is as powerful as the waves of an ocean. If you're caught in this web you need to scream out for help. You need to fight your way through. Distractions impede productivity. 

I see old men who spend their whole day at bet houses and lottery boots gambling and gambling. Some are in motor parks working as touts. These things don't surprise me because I have learnt in life that a wasted youth will forever hurt, one way or the other.

Regardless how early positivity began to creep into your life, whatever interrupts your youth will come hunting and hurting you - somehow - in the future. 


In all, understand that you have a fight to win, and it is because you have dreams and aspirations. Don't trade your precious youthful life and resourceful dreams for a plate of pleasure. 


These forces do not understand the language of regret. You know they are not humans in the first place, so don't expect them to feel emotional about your challenges. They will always add to your troubles. 



After all youth is but vapour and the journey is yours to make. 

I'm concerned with your positivity. 

Be Positive. 





Michael Chidiebere Ituma

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