Written By Merry Paul


For one to effectively utilize a product, there is a great need to thoroughly study the instructions that come with it and apply them appropriately.

For instance if someone buys a television set from an electronic store, and with that excitement he brought it to His house and switched it on, while His comfortably seated on his couch, He says to himself "Let me increase the volume, I want to know how loud the speakers are" but he ignorantly pressed the power button; what will happen? The television suddenly went off.

The man might become perplexed thinking the TV is spoiled or he has tempered with something but No, it's absolutely fine. The only problem is that he pressed the wrong button desiring the right result.

In the same vein. A lot of Christian couples are  pressing the wrong button in their marriage and relationship, hoping and expecting that it would work automatically, No! it won't when operated contrary to the instructions it's supposed to function in.

Human logic and reasoning has put a lot of people in relational and marital mess.

For instance, women are instructed to submit to their Husbands as unto the Lord and Men to Love their wives as Christ love the church.

Obviously from the above, Jesus is the Hub and Core of Love and Respect in any godly relationship or marriage.

The moment couples commit themselves to manifesting the Christ kind of life in their relationship and marriage, Respect and Love as instructed in the word won't be an issue.

Disobedience to God's master plan instruction is the key cause of the continuous flop in the  relationships or marriages of some Christians today.

I have said over and over again that God has given us all it takes for us to succeed in Life and in the Spirit, our only challenge is our ignorance to these realities. We've never laid hold on these mysteries. But the joy is that they are all embedded in the Holy scriptures. It is therefore our responsibility and honor to search them out, through the Help of the Holy Spirit and the Ministry of proven teachers of the Word.

According to His divine power, He has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM THAT HAS CALLED US TO GLORY AND VIRTUE.

You see that?

All we need is in the word, but we have a responsibility to search them out

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter the honor of Kings to search it out

The Holy Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God.

We have the responsibility to search and we also have the privilege of enjoying the Helping and teaching ministry of the holy Spirit as we undergo the Search, when our understanding becomes enlightened,

Then suddenly our light will break forth as in the morning, the mountain issue suddenly becomes  pebbles, because light has shined in darkness and darkness could not comprehend it, it had to give way.

All that is required of us is to first of all come to Jesus with a Meek Spirit willing to learn from His word. Then secondly we should commit ourselves to a life of diligently studying God's word and practicing daily the instructions therein, that is what walking in the Spirit is all about: Walking accordance to the dictates of God's word/ instruction of the Holy Spirit. He won't lead you outside His word. 

Lastly don't joke with prayer, prayer changes things, it changes people. It's powerful in times of conflict. There are times when we know the right thing to do, but we are too hurt or pained to do it, like apologizing even when we think that we are not wrong. I've seen prayers works fast like fire.

Success in Relationship and Marriage is Possible if the Couple in it will determine to walk in the light of the instruction of God's word rather than their feeling or human logical reasonings.

©Merry Paul.


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