Written By Orji Victor CP
What do you really want?
If I keep quiet, you will say I don't talk.
If I talk, you will say I talk too much.
What do you really want?
If I'm poor, you will say I'm lazy
But, If I'm rich, you will say I did rituals.
What do you really want?
If I am not online and do not comment on your posts or chat you, you will say I feel too big
But, If I try to be online and chat you, you will say I am jobless.
What do you really want?
If I marry an ugly lady, you will say I am not seeing well or that I don't have good taste
But, If I marry a beautiful lady, you will say I went after her beauty.
What do you really want?
If I pastor a small congregation, you will say I am not called by God.
But, If I pastor a large congregation with signs and wonders following, you will say I belong to cult.
What do you really want?
If I marry early, you will say I married early or late
But, If I decide not to marry on time, you will say I'm a gay
What do you really want?
If I'm dark, you will say I am dirty
But, If I am fair, you will say I am bleaching.
What do you really want?
If I leave a marriage because of abuses or threats to life, you will say I am not a child of God.
But, If I decide to stay in the marriage and die, you will say I am foolish
What do you really want?
If I didn't go to school, you will say I am an illiterate
But, If I went to school, you will too much education is bad.
What do you really want?
If I decide not to be posting again, you will say my money and idea have finished
But, if I decide to continue posting, you will say I am showing off.
What do you really want?
If I associate with the low people, you will say I have no choice.
But, If I stop associating with everybody and choose only the made and great, you will say I'm too arrogant.
What do you really want?
If I don't post God's doings in my life, you will say God had abandoned me,
But, if I decide to post God's goodness in my life, you will say I am bragging.
What do you really want?
If I give birth to one Child, you will say either I or my wife has issues,
But, if I born many, you will say I am giving birth like chicken
What do you really want?
If I teach you the truth, you will say it's not true,
But, if I decide to keep quiet, you will say I don't teach.
What do you really want?
If I decide to go offline for something, you will say is he still alive.
But, if I decide to continue to be actively online, you will say I have nothing doing.
©️Orji Victor CP