Running Out Battery


Running Out Battery

Written By Uba Mercy

On many occasions, many people have told me not to operate my phone while charging it.

They've told me not to charge my phone with low capacity generators.

In fact, they've told me not to share chargers.

But all those were just flimsy battery ethics to me.

I had never had a bad or weak battery so don't really know what it feels like having one.

But recently, my battery started behaving funny. From an average capacity of more than 10 hours to less than 2 hours.

I have now gotten my share of weak battery.

I was just thinking...

some things aren't supposed to happen if we make hay while the sun shines.

We must not wait for something bad to happen before we learn a lesson.

We must not wait to have a break up before we know that we have to do this and don't do that to keep your relationship.

We must not wait to suffer loss in business before we know that we have to check in on our cash inflows and outflows.

In fact, we must not wait to suffer trails before we know that we ought to pray to our God daily for help and protection.


Most people are fast to learning with experience that's why they've always said ''experience is the best teacher''.

It's time to apply wisdom.

Learning under experience is costly.

Now, I have to get a new battery which I heard is pretty expensive for the kind of my phone.

Ps: Value your battery life in such a  time as this where there are really a whole lot of things to do with your phone.A weak battery can be so frustrating.

Let's hang out in the comment section if you'd had your share of weak batteries.

Written By Uba Mercy




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