Raising Money For A Business Is Hard, How To Convince Investors


Raising Money For A Business Is Hard, How To Convince Investors

Hello Friends,

Raising Honey For A Business Is Hard.

Some people have been rejected by banks and investors so many times they’ve lost count.

Still, every day, deals are being closed.

And that’s because one of the key ways investors and banks make money is by giving money to entrepreneurs and businesses for interest or return.

But that doesn’t mean getting their money is easy.

The reason is: investors and banks are obsessed and influenced by ONE thing.

That thing is called “risk”.

Investors want to be sure that they’re going to make money (and not lose money) by investing in your business.

And it's YOUR JOB to convince them.

But what does it take to convince an investor or bank that you’re a safe investment?

What do they look out for in a pitch, proposal, or business plan?

You're about to find out.

What I’m about to teach you can significantly improve your odds of raising funds for your business.

A quick announcement… 

I’m pleased to announce our special guest for this month’s Mastermind Strategy Session.

Grant Rock represents a venture capital (VC) investment firm in South Africa that invests in early-stage African startups.

His firm was part of a recent $10 million funding round in Kuda, a fintech startup in Nigeria.

On Thursday, March 25, he will be our special guest.

He will be sharing some insights, tips and eye-openers about how investors make their investments.

This will be a great opportunity to engage with a real-life investor so you get a sense of what really happens when you pitch to an investor, send your business plan, or apply for funding.

This is not a session you want to miss.

Note: The monthly Mastermind Strategy Sessions can ONLY be attended by members of the Insiders.

If you’re an Insider (or want to learn how to join us), please check the bottom of this email for more details.

Back to today’s lesson. 

In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to show you the 10 things investors look for before they invest in a business.

Get ready to take some interesting notes.

Follow the link below to listen to the episode.

How To Convince Investors

​Happy learning!


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