How Often Do You Make Mistakes?

Written Priscilla Obi

How Often Do You Make Mistakes?

For me, it's uncountable.


Have you read about Edison's laboratory? It's the best illustration...

I usually use google keep to type my content before transferring and sharing it.

One certain day, I decided to type a short content directly on Facebook. Guess what happened to me? When I was done typing and didn't click done, everything deleted like it wiped off. It was really painful because I didn't write it in any paper because I was in a hurry. I have to start all over again.

This time the content became much better.


What about graphic design? That one happened more.

I completed a design for my cousin using pixel lab and saved it as an image not a project. I happily went out thinking everything was saved. Later,  she needed me to change the size of the icons and Logo and when I went back to change it, I could not find it... I started over again and it became better this time.

Carry out that task twice! It helps you perform better. Whenever I make mistakes, I start all over again and it becomes better...

Have you heard how Edison laboratory got burnt many years ago?

He was brave to say "son call your mother and all her friends, this will be the most powerful flame they will ever see in history". And his friend ask him what happened 🤷 and what caused such an accident? He said "I don't know the cause, but it has burned down all the past mistakes, tomorrow we will start up again"

I loved this video documentary... START AGAIN! It's the key word there. It's not too late to start again. He (Edison) was in His 60's when that incident happened. But He said: "I WILL START AGAIN."

This is where great men rise and influence the world as well as where mediocre fall and their lives become a paradox 

"Try again for there is always sunshine after rain. Can't you see? Everything gets better when you try again. "TRY AGAIN."

This principle has helped a lot of great men and can help you too...

Prisclla Obi


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