Which Type Of Growth Do You Want To Achieve Exactly?


What do you want?

Article Written By John Paul CEO For Smallstarter business 

This is one of the simplest but hardest questions to answer.

When you ask people what they want, you’re likely to get generic answers like:

"I want to make more money."

"I want to advance in my career."

"I want to become a better and successful person."

"I want to grow my business."

Let's take entrepreneurs for example.

One common goal many entrepreneurs set in January is to "grow" their business.

But what do you mean by "growth"?

There are several different ways to grow a business.

Do you mean a bigger office, a bigger team, more equipment, or more sales, customers, revenues, or profits?

Which Type Of Growth Do You Want To Achieve Exactly?

If you can’t answer this question, you don’t really know what you want.

When a goal is not specific, it’s not a goal.

It’s a wish.

Be strategic.

It's not enough to be specific about what you want.

You have to be strategic about it too.

People who win are often not the busiest or hardest-working people.

People who win are usually strategic.

Strategy is all about using leverage to your advantage.

Strategy is about focusing on a few specific things that can bring the biggest results.

Strategy is about doing what really matters, and not what makes you busy.

So, what is one thing you could change or improve that will make it easier to achieve all the other things you want in your business?

For some people, it’s a skill.

If they could become better at leadership, selling, networking, time management, or finance, their business could double in size.

For some people, it’s resources.

If they had the tools, funds, or space they need, the business would really take off.

For some people, it’s access.

If only they knew the right people, their business would become a huge success.

Your goals in 2021

You're only two steps away from setting your goals for 2021.

First, choose the important areas of your life/business that you want to improve.

Be specific about the kind of improvement you want.

Second, be strategic.

Select one or two goals from your list that will have the highest impact on your life/business.

These are your strategic goals.

A strategic goal should be big enough to excite you and scare you at the same time.

Focus on them.

A personal example

One of the strategic goals for my business this year is international expansion.

A key pillar of this goal is to get featured on very big podcast platforms in the USA and Europe.

Through cold outreach, I recently got featured on the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast.

For those who don't know, it's a top-rated US business podcast with over 1 million listeners.

The episode I featured in will go live this February.

Do you have any idea how much time, marketing budget, and hard work it would have cost me to reach an international audience of 1 million people on my own?

That's exactly what I mean by a strategic goal.

You only work hard once, but the results will have a phenomenal impact on your business.


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