©️ Anthonia Andrew

 Create your own future. James Allen said "You will become large as your controlling desire or as great as your dominant aspiration."

Brian clearly stated the one quality that great leaders have in common which non leaders do not have. That quality is VISION. Vision is the experience of seeing something that other people cannot see, it is a mental image of a possible and desirable future.

 Leaders often think about what they want most of the time. While leaders are thinking about the future, non leaders are thinking about their past, problems and pleasures of the moment. Leaders see the big picture and work very hard  towards actualizing the picture. Brian made us understand that "We become what we think about most of the time". Therefore, what do you think about? because you definitely become it. 

Thinking about the future is a leadership quality which we must possess. Leaders THINK IT and MAP OUT the possible ways of accomplishing that goal and arrive where they want to.

 Brian Tracy stated in his book that Dr. Edward Banfield of Harvard concluded after more than 50 years of research that "long time perspective" was the most important determinants of financial and personal success in life. He defined long-term perspective as the "ability to think several years into the future while making decisions in the present". 

Even the Bible says "as a man thinketh in his heart so is it."THINK greatness,  think prosperity, think your future and you'll see yourself making better decisions that will make you work towards bringing that THOUGHT to reality.

We were given an illustration on how one can actually become a MILLIONAIRE over time. You can't possibly become one if you don't cultivate the habit of SAVING. Now is the right time to start saving for the future. 

I just remembered a post I saw on someone's status (WhatsApp) it says "I would have started SAVING MONEY in KINDERGARTEN if I knew LIFE was like this  sounds funny right??? But that's the truth 

You need to be intentional about your future. Just start SAVING no matter how little you earn.

 IDEALIZATION is a personal strategic way of planning which should begin with a long term view of your life. Create a 5-year fantasy for yourself and begin thinking about what life would look like in  five years time. Work towards it and watch it come to reality. 

Never limit yourself or feel inferior in any way because that's the only obstacle to setting goals. Just imagine there are no limitations. By combining idealization and future-orientation, you neutralize the obstacle called self limitation. Practicing the Blue Sky Thinking also helps in setting and actualizing your goals. Just assume that all things are possible for you, like looking up into a blue sky with no limits. All you do is tell yourself this is where I want to be in the next 5 years and ask yourself what you need to do or what you have to do to get there sometimes in the future. 

FUTURE ORIENTATION and IDEALIZATION helps you make no compromises with your dreams and visions. Dream the big dreams and don't settle for smaller goals or half successes. *We greatly overestimate what we can accomplish in one year but we greatly underestimate what we can accomplish in 5 years* said Peter Drucker.(read that again and don't let it happen to you) 

Believe in yourself, don't settle for less. Dream big, work hard and watch you becoming that great man/woman. 

Finally in chapter 3, Brian Tracy  went forward to distinguish between high achievers and low achievers.

High achievers only asked the question "HOW?" Then they work hard to find ways to achieve their goals. Low achievers see almost everything as impossible. High achievers are action oriented, when a high achiever gets a new idea, they quickly get busy and take action but non/low achievers actually have good intentions but always have excuses for not taking action. Are you a high achiever or a non/low achiever?

Be pellucid about your long-term future and see how rapidly you will attract people and circumstances into your life to help make that future a reality. Know who you are and what you want because that's a faster way to achieve all you want in every aspect of life. 

Chapter 3 ends

©️ Anthonia Andrew


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