Why People Don't Write

 Why People Don't Write 

Aaron Solomon  Is an author, a creative Writer,  a Public speaker and CEO For SOAARON

Admin For Phronesis Readers Club @ Whatsup Group 

1- Inferiority Complex:

It is very difficult for a person suffering from inferiority complex to document his or her ideas, because inferiority complex take away one's self worth. The absence of self worth will make you think your ideas worth noting therefore, no need to document them.

2 - I don't have money:

  In todays' world, money seems to be the major obstacle that prevents people from fulfilling their visions and dreams. 

This seems true because most of us don't even understand the concept of money.

Money is not just that stuff in your wallet or bank account. if you critically study the evolution of money, you will realize that the concept of money revolves around VALUES

Money is whatever values you have that you use to exchange for what you need

If you view money from this stand point of VALUES, you will realize that you are a bunch of money 

Your relationship, integrity, wisdom, expertise, talents, energy, skills, faith, character are all money because there are values.

When in need, check your VALUE BANK and use the value that can handle the need.

If you understand this, you will achieve more with little efforts

Since I discovered this revelation, I don't struggle to get things done.

To sincere with you, I have used relationship currency to achieve alot in my writing career

People do uncommon things for me for free because of my relationship with them

There are people who can help edit and promote your book and even coach you for free 

So, stop all this money complain and start writing no

3 - I am not known or I am from a poor background:

This is  another sincere excuses that prevents people from writing.

It's very hard to believe that your ideas will sell when you are not known or have nothing to show for it. 

I have been operating on this mind set until I read about Myles Monroe. 

Myles is one of the world famous best selling Writers'. 

He was born into a very poor family. They were so poor that they slept on the floor in a wooden house. 

When i heard this story from this great man, I realized that *in the equation of success, your background is inconsequential, what matters is your beliefs about yourself*

You've got to understand that you don't need to be known before you start using your gifts and skills. It's in the use of your gifts and skills that you are known

4- Poverty of Vocabularies: 

Have you  been in a situation whereby  an idea is boiling inside of you but you lack words to communicate it out either in a written or spoken? 

That is the effective of poverty of Vocabularies.

You are suffering from poverty Vocabularies when you lack words to communicate the ideas in side of you.


The cure for poverty of Vocabularies is knowledge. 

You cannot be effective in writings if  you don't read. 

You know what? *It's when you know what is, that you come up with what is not*? 

That is why the need to pay price to acquire knowledge cannot be over emphasized.

Related Article By Same Author 

Why You Need To Write


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