What Should I Write For?
What Should I Write For?
Aaron Solomon Is an author, a creative Writer, a Public speaker and CEO For SOAARON
Admin For Phronesis Readers Club @ Whatsup Group
1- Write on what you have passion for:
Write on what you have passion for that is a need in your environment.
passion is a driving force deposited in us by God to propel us in the journey of destiny.
God gives you intuitive wisdom and knowledge in the areas of your passion and that qualifies you to write.
2 - Write on your experience:
Your experiences birth a deposit of solution in you for a certain problem or need on earth and that also qualifies you to write.
Some of the experiences (especially negative ones) you encounter in life are not always orchestrated by the devil.
Often times, it’s those experiences that God will use in your life to bless others
It may be that you had a difficult marriage, childhood or health challenges, child out of wedlock etc. The pain attached to those
difficult situations could be the very thing God wants to use in your life to minister to others.
It is easy to pull somebody out of
what you have experienced before
Great writers, write most on their experiences
3 - Write in your field of study:
You are qualified to write in your field of study. Infact that will make you an authority in that field
If you study law, you can write a book that will help a lay man understand law without going to law school.
I promise you it will sell.
Most people are in business but don't know the legal aspect of business. You can write on something that will help those guys
If you study medicine, write a book that will educate a lay man on healthy living.
If you study agriculture, pick an aspect of farming that is challenging to farmers and write a book on it
This applicable to all field of studies