What Can We Do To Defeat Them(Distraction) Every Time And Use Our Time For What Truly Matters?


How Much Are Distraction Causing You? 

Content  Writer By Leon From LifeHack

You know, we all have limited time. 

However, most people treat it like if it was infinite.

You get home, and immediately go watch your favorite TV show on Netflix.

Then, you see what your friends are up to on Instagram.

You tell yourself it won't be long.

Just a couple of minutes and that's it.

Then, you look at the clock.

That's when you realize you just spent the last two hours of your time.

This situation repeats itself every day.

What you haven't realized yet is how much these distractions are costing you...

Let's do the math.

2 hours per day means 14 hours per week, 56 hours a month, and 672 in a year.

What does it mean you use all that time on useless distractions?

You get left behind.

Remember life moves fast.

Your boss won't be waiting until you get the skills you need to be more efficient.

He'll just hire someone else.

Your family won't be always looking to spend time with you.

At some point, they'll stop looking for your attention.

When that happens, you'll wish you didn't spend all your time watching Netflix.

Now, with so many distractions wanting to take our precious time...

What Can We Do To Defeat Them Every Time And Use Our Time For What Truly Matters?

At some point, I made myself that very same question.

That's when it came to me.

I realized there was a reason why most people surrendered themselves to distractions every day.

They were not laser-focused on a single goal

See, distractions come when you have too much free time on your hands and nothing to do with it.

When you pursue a goal with passion, all your free time and attention are focused on what you want to achieve.

There will be no time for anything else.

When you do this, something will change within you.

Slowly but steadily, the desire you once had to watch the next season of Grey's Anatomy will disappear.

Instead, you'll have a burning desire to achieve the goal you set for yourself.

Best part? When you look back and see everything you accomplished...

You'll be happy you made the right decision.


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