The Easeist Way To Be More Organised, Less Stress And Happier

Hi Friend,

This is  Carthage Buckley 

When I was a young kid, I was desperate for the approval of others.
I believe it is a behaviour I learned from my father.

Sure, it is nice when others approve of you but if you get addicted to that approval, you will end up sacrificing your own life in order to please others. 

And the irony is that it will all be in vain.

Life is not like the movies – making constant sacrifices and playing the martyr does not make you more popular.

People respect those who know who they are, know what they want and live their lives accordingly. 

You shouldn’t live your life to get respect, but the reality is that you will get more respect for pursuing your own dreams than you ever will for sacrificing your dreams to help others achieve theirs.

We don’t want sacrifice and we don’t want martyrs.

We want inspiration and the greatest inspiration you can get is to see others follow their joy and pursue their own goals and dreams.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if that is what you really want to do but it must be what you really want to do.

There is no need to put the wants, needs, and desires of others before your own.

You don’t need to be rude when you decline the requests of others; you just need to get comfortable with saying ‘No’

It is not the easiest word to say, especially when it is to a loved one or, to someone in authority.

However, when you start saying ‘No’ more often, you put yourself first.

When you put yourself first, you become stronger and start to perform at a higher level which means that you can offer better help, while inspiring others to put their own needs first.

Simply put, when you say ‘No’ more consistently, you become:

  • Better organised
  • More effective
  • More confident
  • Happier
  • Less stressed
  • Healthier

And, despite what you may think, your relationships will improve too.

So, if you make one new commitment during this time of worldwide uncertainty, commit to saying ‘No’ to anything you don’t really want to do so that you can spend more time on the things which are important and allow you to feel good.

Have a fantastic day,



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