The 1 Motivation Secret That Works For Everyone

Leon From Lifehack
Hi Friends ,
We're well into the second half of 2020, and if you've been finding it extra hard to stay motivated during this pandemic and the Summer... you're not alone! 

Some of you have written in asking for help on how to stay motivated during this chaotic time.. some of you have shared really useful tips too..

From productivity playlists, energy drinks, energy boosting routines, surrounding yourself with motivated people.. the list goes on. 

This is all great! As we all have our own unique way of keeping our spirits up. 


I don't know if you've read about or heard of this motivation secret that trumps them all..
It's the one that many, if not all motivational speakers live by. Myself included! 

In fact, it forms the core of my motivation engine.
And that is knowing your "WHY". 

It's not a complicated, mind blowing secret. But it's the most essential motivation secret that guarantees success every single time. 

Having goals are great but knowing WHY you drive to achieve them is the most reliable motivator. People often lose their motivation because they never really knew why they were doing something. Or it might have been something that wasn't even what they truly wanted. 

At the end of the day, people only do what they truly want to do. So if you haven't figured out exactly what you want and why, then there's no hack or trick that can help you.

Conversely, if you have a deep need to create a particular kind of life or end vision, there is little that can stop you! 

That's the power of the WHY. 

It might sound easy enough when someone asks you why it is that you want that particular something. Yet when the occasion arises, many of us don't actually know how to truly determine what their "Why(s)" are..

Would you agree with me? 

Think about your current goals and plans that you envision or have set for yourself. 

Now ask yourself...Why? 

The most useful thing you can do for your motivation isn't to look outward for advice. Instead, look inward and get clear on what exactly you're driving toward, and I guarantee, your motivation will instinctively pull through.

But if you're unsure of how to find out what truly drives your actions, and want to know how you can gain more motivation, then follow this framework that I use to determine the WHY's in my life. 



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