How Active Is Your Mind?
By Orji Victor CP
The reason you're okay is because you feel you have achieve everything
Vision And Purpose - Season 2
Text - Proverb 29:18
-You're not permitted to future in the feature you have never picture in the mind
Proverb 27:3
How active is your mind?
-You attract what you think
90 persent of your dream is a replay of what you have install in the hard disk in your mind
1- Heavenly vision - Make heaven at the end of the journey
1- Earthly vision - you'll accomplish here on earth
Earthly vision is segmented :
-Personal earthly vision
- Family earthly vision
-Society earthly vision
- Postarity earthly vision,
What are you going to leave for your children while you're gone?
What is your vision?
-Vision gives you a sense of purpose
When purpose is not known abuse is inevitable .
When you have a sense of purpose over something, you will be committed
- Vision keeps you on the track, it moltivate you
-Vision gives you energy
- Vision guides you
Steps in generating vision
- prayer - Act 13:2, go to God in prayer
If you can't pray you can't generate godly vision. Geremiah 1:5 Ask God, what did you create me for?
Look inward - The greatness is inside, the only thing that comes out is a support
What did I have passion for?
Ministry, business, doctor, lawyer etc
Your future is connected to your yesterday
What are you gifted and talented for?
- Mark 8:27 ask sincere question,
From people that will tell you the truth
Like : How do you see my character
Judge me well Good/ Bad
Spend time with people you sincerely, genuinely and sincerely admire
What are you doing now and how can you improve it?
What is that problem you have passion to solve?
Why are you doing what you are doing, is it because you have vision for it?