MONEY! Money Is Not In Heaven...

By Orji Victor CP
Money is not in heaven but here on earth.
What you do here determines whether the amount of money you will have or not having at all.
> Money is in People, therefore, offer what People can pay for and you will have their money.
> Money is in Problems, therefore, solve Problems and get paid for it.
> Money is in Products/Service, therefore, invent, produce or offer one and get paid for it.
> Money is in Places, discover the place and begin to harvest money.
> Money is a Reward, therefore, do something you can be rewarded with money.
> Money is a means of exchange, therefore, give something people can exchange their Money for.

Search inward before looking outward when desiring and looking for a way to be rich in money.
Discover what Problems you were created to solve.
Develop a product that can solve a problem (s).
Do something people can exchange their money for.
....your desire shall surely be granted because God's Favour is already on us all.

...Orji Victor CP


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