Limitations Start From You, Why Please?

Limitations Start From You
By Leon Of Lifehack
When was the last time you felt like you had no control over something?
Maybe it was some challenges you faced at work, or problems in your relationship that made you feel powerless over the situation?

There may have been, or still are certain limitations holding you back from being in control of your life...

But if you think about why you're feeling this way, or why you're stuck in this position, do you realize that you're the one deciding to feel or act this way?

Everything that you've ever achieved, and want to accomplish comes from you - your mind. You essentially set the limits and expectations for what you want in life.

So how you look at limitations also start from your thoughts. On the surface, limitations are things that prevent you from doing something, but if you dig deeper, you'll find that limitations are the things that keep you constrained inside a loop.

They keep you stuck facing the same problems, having the same choices, and taking the same actions over and over again. Which is why limitations define your current circumstances.

So if you want to improve the quality of your life, then you've got to be able to break free from the limitations that keep you living the same loop everyday, month, and year.

You may say that certain circumstances are really out of your seems like your current reality, an outcome that has happened to you.

But here’s another insight that we’ve found from people who consistently make breakthroughs…
and it's that your reality is derived from your perception. So it's not reality that's important, but rather, how you see it.

Being able to control how you look at things is the key to breaking free from your current circumstances and limitations.

Shaping your perception is so powerful that just a small change in perspective can completely change everything--from your motivation, outlook, self esteem to your limitations!  

So all limitations really start from your mind.

This is good news because, that means you can learn how to take control of the way you view your limitations, and push your way out of your current circumstances to get back on track with becoming a better you.

Now that you know your limitations start from your mind, you can move on to asking...Why do you want to break free of your limitations?

And what exactly is it that you want to achieve once you can overcome the limitation? 


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