Why You Need Focus

Leon From lifehack
What's one of the biggest limiting factors keeping your potential locked up? It's your ability to focus.
Imagine you are a genius, but you're only awake for 3 hours a day. How much could you actually achieve? Being plagued by distractions essentially lowers you down to this state. A recent study from the University of California calculated that it took people an average of 25 minutes to get back to work after an interruption. How many interruptions do you encounter each day?
At the end of the day, it comes down to some simple principles:
  • If you can't focus, you can't get things done
  • If you can't get things done, you'll have no input towards your goals
  • If you have no input towards your goals, you'll have no output! No results.

Here's another perspective on it:
  • The longer you take to get things done, the slower your progress
  • The slower your progress, the less momentum you'll have
  • The slower your progress, the more opportunities for obstacles to come along

This generally leads down to the same familiar path: loss of motivation, lethargy, wanting to give up.
At this stage, will you be leaning completely on your willpower to push on?
You see, procrastination is not the root problem... it's just one of the more prominent symptoms. And it's no wonder that we all face this issue! Life shouldn't work like that.
Focus is a basic building block towards any success.
But the ability to stay focused is not a one-size-fits-all, one-trick-pony solution. You've got to have a system that empowers you.
I think of it like an arms race. It's a battle against the Forces of Distraction.
For years, Distractions have been upgrading themselves. They're becoming more and more sophisticated and numerous. We're essentially outnumbered.
So it's time to begin arming yourself! We've neglected our Defences Against Distraction for too long. Our defences are outdated and blunted. You've got to equip yourself with the right tools and support to be back in step with their level.
Would you like to learn how? I've written another guide to help you level up.
Read the article here:


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