Have You Tried This Before?

By John Paul - For SmallstarterBusiness
More than 100 years ago, something important happened.
An Italian economist discovered a law of nature that was too obvious for most people to see.
In 1896, Vilfredo Pareto noticed something interesting.
He discovered that 80 percent of the entire land in his country was owned by just about 20 percent of Italians.
The same with wealth – 20 percent of the population owned 80 percent of the wealth.
It’s called the 80/20 principle or “the law of the vital few.”
This law of nature is everywhere in human society, especially in business.
And even 100 years after Pareto noticed it, this powerful law is still at work today.
Let’s do a small test…
If you check, roughly 80 percent of your sales come from just about 20 percent of your customers.
What this means is that all customers are not the same. Some customers are worth more than others.
This also means that some customers are time wasters. By giving them more time and attention, you could be losing the customers that really matter.
That’s why it’s called “the law of the vital few.”
There are a few people and things in your life and business that should take a much higher priority and play a more strategic role than others.
That’s because they bring in the biggest results.
Here’s another important point
If you look closely, you will find that 80 percent of the results you get in life are based on 20 percent of the things you do.
That’s why success is usually based on a few strategic decisions and actions that people take.
Some people may spend all their lives working hard without achieving much.
And some people just make a few strategic moves and everything changes for them.
The fact is, in life and in business, decisions are more powerful than hard work.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work if you’re working on the wrong and non-strategic things.
So, how does this concern you?
Exactly one week ago, I shared an interesting opportunity with you.
After months of work, we finally released 5 courses on the most challenging aspects of building a business – sales, business systems, hiring and keeping the right people, starting up, and discovering lucrative business ideas.
In addition to raising capital, these are the biggest problems that most entrepreneurs face.
The lessons have been available for FREE for 7 days now.
But our systems show you haven’t watched even one of those lessons.
My big questions is Why?
Too busy?
Have something more important or interesting to do?
Don’t value free stuff until you’re required to pay for them?
Whatever your reason for missing this learning moment, I just want to be sure you’re making the right decision for your business.
Maybe you could invest a few minutes in the new courses and learn something that could change the direction of your business.
Maybe you could invest a few minutes to watch the lessons and a spark goes off in your head that makes you see an opportunity you’ve been missing all the while.
When it comes to learning and investing in yourself, you never know where or how the results will come.


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