Think like a billionaire.

By Michael C. Onah
How can I think a billionaire?
Ø Think like bigger than you.
Ø Believe in yourself in-total
Ø Don’t stop thinking
‘Can I get the best quality key board’, I said. He had brought out of kinds Manufacturers Company telling me differences and their durability, I liked it he has been realistic to me. Not until suddenly I changed my mind I go come back next week because the money I have is not enough for the best. He started using tactics try and play prank on me and he won. I took the one for less money. While I started using it just a while the system developed big problem that when I took it to an electronic repairer he advised me to go get another type this one is a fake product’. What I meant here the whole story; if I had took a professional along with me from onset I would not have fall victim of such. You say I quit my career right? No, can’t because quitting is not found in a dictionary of a champion I had to move on with life, I worked very hard hopefully to purchase another better one someday, that’s because i never stop thinking. Your thinking is not enough while you’ve not achieve that which you’re thinking for. So fire on!
Ø Change your mindset
talk about mindset first, I’ve just finished published an article on my blog
that says: 55 stuff you can dream for in life and achieve in a year.
To be successful in business you must learn...
You may pend this for a while go check what I meant in that book and come back continued where you stopped. It’s a mindset of a billionaire not that of a middle person; also read Fire in the bed room and safe in the leaving room. Poor dad conversation and his exposed son to wealth by his wealthy dad you’ll know what I meant by a middle person. You see ‘mindset’ has to do with your believe system, spiritual book says ‘faith’ I’ve always dream to become great financially like other people in life, I’ve always dream my name should be mentioned in books as a reference point, I’ve always want to be the best philanthropist all over the world and I’ve always dream to be the best giver more than TB Joshua did across the world, Let just stop here because I have so many of them not mentioned. I am thinking like a billionaire but for now I have nothing what I just mentioned above, what helped me? Thinking so big beyond my imagination. You look like what you think and you think like what you see. Your dream ought to be bigger than you and not you bigger than your dream ‘why?’ It shows you’re up to something and beyond the limit none can’t stop you becoming a billionaire. I can never stop thinking until I get the best for myself in life.I‘ve brain stormed enough over the years also with my mentors this package set of information I revealed to you just now. Let discus like a billionaire.
To be successful in business you must learn...
You may pend this for a while go check what I meant in that book and come back continued where you stopped. It’s a mindset of a billionaire not that of a middle person; also read Fire in the bed room and safe in the leaving room. Poor dad conversation and his exposed son to wealth by his wealthy dad you’ll know what I meant by a middle person. You see ‘mindset’ has to do with your believe system, spiritual book says ‘faith’ I’ve always dream to become great financially like other people in life, I’ve always dream my name should be mentioned in books as a reference point, I’ve always want to be the best philanthropist all over the world and I’ve always dream to be the best giver more than TB Joshua did across the world, Let just stop here because I have so many of them not mentioned. I am thinking like a billionaire but for now I have nothing what I just mentioned above, what helped me? Thinking so big beyond my imagination. You look like what you think and you think like what you see. Your dream ought to be bigger than you and not you bigger than your dream ‘why?’ It shows you’re up to something and beyond the limit none can’t stop you becoming a billionaire. I can never stop thinking until I get the best for myself in life.I‘ve brain stormed enough over the years also with my mentors this package set of information I revealed to you just now. Let discus like a billionaire.
How can I think a billionaire?
Ø Think like bigger than you.
Your imagination is your real self while thinking. You look like what you
think and you think like what you see. Your dream ought to be bigger than you
and not you bigger than your dream. Let people see tread of a billionaire, let
them say what’s given this man boldness talking this way when he can’t even
feed his family maximum a square meal each day from his menial job it nothing,
let them say, he don’t even dress well, no good clothes founds in his box, it’s
an outdated man, he can’t even speak good English, his kids looks so rough no
good nutrient found in their system, every day primitive meal like fufu and
okra soup just poor diet. To you all I just then mentioned it worth pile of
baloney; you don’t even care one-bit. What do you think happening here? Your
thinking mentality had changed total that you’re already seeing yourself a
billionaire not what people are talking about you.
Ø Believe in yourself in-total
The best motivation comes from the inside not outside. You just keep on
motivating and convince yourself you’re already a billionaire instead of a
pauper, don’t let people over ride or say a word that might hurt your pride, if
they come to say their ideal chat on you just walk away their presence may be
go to bed and sleep if you don’t have any tangible something doing because they
might infest you with their negativity and it very contagious. When you stay
with a poor person you start imaging poor life system but when you plunged your
whole heart on a wealthy person your behavior ought to be change very expensive
and for good. When we motivate people in conference, seminars or else
where we ring a bell on them go home and also talk to
yourself like personal motivation because until you win
your heart certainly you’re walking a step for greatness.
Ø Don’t stop thinking
You can dream beyond the mountain Everest is your choice. Some people start
something or venture into a new business and along the line they quit, what’s
happening? May be the person couldn’t cope up or say challenges or something.
What made you to venture into the business in the first place that you want to
quit right now? I’ve say if you want to do something may be you have no idea
about it and you like it, meet people in same profession they will guide you
safe and you won’t regret doing it. Let me share with you a brief story of
myself ‘one day I took a walk to an electronic center where to
purchase a musical item just one key board, while I entered the shop I greeted
the sales man and he responded.’
‘Can I get the best quality key board’, I said. He had brought out of kinds Manufacturers Company telling me differences and their durability, I liked it he has been realistic to me. Not until suddenly I changed my mind I go come back next week because the money I have is not enough for the best. He started using tactics try and play prank on me and he won. I took the one for less money. While I started using it just a while the system developed big problem that when I took it to an electronic repairer he advised me to go get another type this one is a fake product’. What I meant here the whole story; if I had took a professional along with me from onset I would not have fall victim of such. You say I quit my career right? No, can’t because quitting is not found in a dictionary of a champion I had to move on with life, I worked very hard hopefully to purchase another better one someday, that’s because i never stop thinking. Your thinking is not enough while you’ve not achieve that which you’re thinking for. So fire on!
Ø Practice billionaire’s steps
Talk like a billionaire, attend conferences and seminars like a billionaire, ask
questions where necessary like a billionaire, talk and walk like a billionaire, dance like a billionaire, exercise your whole body like a billionaire, eat, drink and bath like a billionaire,
mingle with kinds of them gradually you’re becoming like them. What you
practice and become of cannot leave you go elsewhere but what you don’t can’t
even step an inch close by you. Learn and practice well, you’re a billionaire.
Ø Change your mindset
You need to upgrade your way of thinking capacity you ought not to think small
but think big because you’re a big type. God was made poor so as his children
will turn and become a billionaire, so tell me why on earth do you think like a
poor person? Thinking like a poor type you’re been on unfair and compromising
with your future, just simply change your mentality and the sky would not be a
limit but a foot stool. I’ve always seen myself at their center and I am not
one of them yet but I know hopefully I will dine and eat on their table soon.
Brian Tracy said something in one of his book ‘maximum achievement’ I read
sometime back he said ‘I am not rich yet but I plunged myself on them believing
someday I will be as great they are or greater than some of them’ howbeit
today? His dream has come to pass. Your mindset is enough to change your
destiny, just help yourself and think like a billionaire ought to.