6 step becoming a billion

                               by Chibuzor Michael Onah
life it all about principle  and no man can escape it, no any means a short cut to success, and you know what here? The only short cut you're having may be you want to give up on something unique in your life that's all. 
Why do investors ask about this?

for example  a theft person takes  a risk may be in the night or in a brought day light go shifting people's property not minding some one could grasp on his arms and say:
'Ha, what the hell are you doing here?' And may be the person had succeeded doing it, or a person wants to join a cult with sole aim to make money the  person takes risk go get  family members, friends or  any body at all as demanded and while that is done  everything  could be  history. look life it all about taking risk on a precious mild stone you're looking for to get. when once you made up  your mind you want to become a billionaire person there are signs you shall take...


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