4 most billionaire advice + gallery

Image result for photo for jeff bezos
by Michael C. Onah
Advice is great when you apply the system you've been thought for in schools,  seminars, conferences or any learn-able place at all. 
Be careful with opportunities like this
make sure you do not add or subtract anything at the cause of trying to practice what you've been thought for, so that if it not working the way you've been tutor for, you're free to go lay complains like the system is not working. lets browse billionaire advice.

1...Follow your heart
Image result for photo of heart
2...Focus on your passion
Image result for photo of passion
3...Have no regrets
Image result for photo of no regret
4...Be consistent
Image result for photo of consistent
5...Take risks
Image result for photo of take risk

5...Think longterm
Image result for photo of think


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