A thing that can kill your business in 21 day.

 Image result for photo of boring business
                            By Michael C. Onah
I will always stand to pray at the balcony glass-door supermarket at Mobile fuel station right there along specialist road, gwagwalada Abuja. While I arrive first thing in the morning before I open the glass to start marketing products and attending to available customers if there are, It rest assure handled the business first in God’s hands to take over and change better than far gone yesterday so that I won’t go back bored today but happy I am while on top the bike man back home after. 
A concise history about coca cola and founder
God blesses the business fine but he most first see your hard work before that happens, it is interesting doing the right thing on the right time and that is good enough yielding the best result, that is your good work in your business  from God. He had seen your opened heart long-term and you are very mean in the firm and that is why he is mean helping you too succeeding, it is partially true this saying:
‘Heaven help those who help themselves’.
 When you do not give a business well attention to, it cannot give you hundred percent what you want. You intend shorten the life sperm of the business and you will end up regretting so. I have much introduce God in this content because he blesses the good hands we laid in our work that is why you need to take your profession very serious so that it can mean to you and God will reward your good work.
     Let carefully study things that can kill the business in next 21 days.

1 Given out product on credit to who so ever
    Better still save it yourself the product than given out for free all in the name for credit facility, or hearing all sorts this:
‘I’ll come back and. I am off to Garki’. You watch him he leave hurriedly.
 ‘Give me just tomorrow I’ll come back pay, how much the bill? You replied 30k.
 ‘Put it in there your credit book let see how we roll’,
 ‘Please next week i‘ll pay off and the previous ones; my family are starving, you know I’m gentle enough to keep my promise, or have I ever let you down?’
‘Hmm not really’, you had gestured. Lastly they make joke with your product,
 ‘Haha we are one friend I’ll give you in two month time’, and you have willing accepted. Can you see how preposterous all these comments sounds? It deaf the ears and blind the eyes. Given out your product and same minute not collecting your money; you buy their excuses same here, you’re causing the business harm and to yourself as well. In no time it will die off and you’ll remain devastated.  
Why do investors ask about this?
     I’ll be stupid enough who I leave my money to and sudden can’t meet up to his or her promise and while I see the person again, he or she will be talking trash or telling me out of content the  book, was that what we agreed on? Was that what you promised me the other day? I gave you my product while you were in a desperate need can I have my money back. Why are so disappointing this way? You’re making me not to be good any more to you some other time.
 Let see negative payback while you might have given them the products.

Combat: When I am not satisfied with your complains, when I am not seeing fulfilling your promised, the other day, I’ll be serious upset with you and if not yielding positively we might end up fighting one another, who then win? No one knows.

Disappointment: When you can’t comply with me anymore or you felt so reluctant about paying me my money. Same here we cannot understand each other who is saying the truth and who is telling lie…

Can’t remember: Oh my God I can’t remember when was that? Are you sure what you’ve just told me? It’s a lie, I’ve always paid you any time I come to your shop to purchase a stuff. Ok you want to extort money from me right? No I stop here, I won’t step my foot ever again to your shop you forgetful being. Come on I go my way.
Can you see what you’ve caused yourself? Someone you gave credit had turned against you and denied the fact he had paid you and with expensive words poured on your face. Funny part, perhaps he remembered he just want to kick your little ass and go away with the money.

Kill: And now after all said and done nothing have come out  the ring, any one might be victim and go to the darkest  world ,who then win? Or gain? No one, also the living is in danger. All these boils down to , promise yourself you are not going to let out one product for credit.

2 Selling fake stuff
 What is your product? How genuine it is? What complain do you get from people early this phase morning? Have you been able to obtain good results from them? Or not? Take very cognizance of all these questions I posed on you. Fake stuff it collapse the business gradually eating up the root like a cancer those. When you notice a stock is expired take it away or Lay your complain to the reliable agency like NDLEA to whosoever you purchase the product from and to avoid a story that touch the heart.

3 You sale a product with too much gain
 People found it very difficult selling their products on a moderate price, they want influx big box.  At the end of the day they nag like a pregnant woman does, for strange pains her whole body still yet there are cause of the rise problem. Why won’t you give chance on too much gain and go for less one so you can make kick box and never nag again. I’ll brief you a simple scenario about what we are disusing here.
Product type: jam beverage                                                   
Quantity products: 25  pieces                                                
Cost price: #1000 each                   
profit Too: #500, each                                    
Each sales a day: 3 pieces for: #4,500                                        
Money realized the gain: #1,500                                                  

Name: Donald
Product type: jam beverage
Quantity products: 25 pieces
Cost price:  #1000 each
Moderate profit: #200
Each sales a day: 20 pieces #24,000
Money realized the gain #4000
 Can you see clearly this simple math? Donald had finished jam beverage to set another trip or wants to make a call to the company for another delivering. 4000 same product a day at very affordable price. While Clara making still brain storm here and there to sell off her capital intensive product but she couldn’t reason well and still had not understood the word entrepreneurship. Making a profit of #500 on a  product  worth #1000 capital,  it capital- intensive.

Still again I’ll give you another scenario what’s happening; I have always loved this man ,Yakubu A. Maishanu, Chairman/CEO, A.Y.M Shafa Ltd. the way he’s been using good ethics at his soft-ware company. Currently all fuel station in Nigeria sales fuel for 143 naira per-litre same thing he does. But guess what? His secret in the business ought to everyone in the system learn, he had a good and accurate litre completely, it not adjusted for personal reasons and too much gain confirmed not to be compared with NNPC, that’s why when you drive to one of his company at lube Garki to buy fuel you will observe forever queue that can’t stop every day. He is been nominated several times for his integrity by the federal Government. Too much gain don’t pay enough most times, but moderate one will keep you where you never think of been in life.

4 Lack of spirituality
 listen well my readers, the world we are leaving in it govern with spirits; a good spirit or a bad type. Every wealthy man belongs to one or the both, it not very easy to attain that high level without any safe guard around you. And if not you are a prey in the hands of the fouls. Powers are speaking for them in the alters, might are interceding on behave of them not ordinary so belong…

5 Unfaithful to your clients
 when I am opportune to stand talk about business to a group of folks or write books, articles on entrepreneurship, I will always tend to emphasized customers or clients like a hundred times. This is because they are the business not you in person. If you are losing one of them as a result to your misconduct you are making a hell mistake loosing hundred subsequent once to come. Learn something; customers are number one heartbeat of a successful business on known account should you tease them up or if you do don not hesitate to say I am sorry, you might be at right but just pretend and remain the fault person. Saying sorry cannot take off the fancy cap in your head, neither will your self-esteem taken off your shoulder, your ago still remain by you. They will like you and remain lovable to you.

6 Untidy environment and the owner of the company
There is this saying that goes like this: ‘cleanness is next to godliness’. It says the way you dress that’s the way you’ll be address too. Some people have nag enough about their business it not moving fine; some time what will be happening to you is not too far is something  very close to you. A new customer may bash into your shop and pick one product and reel complains that is very dusty cobwebs here and there, in your shop littering of papers, sachet water and sachet biscuit and other rubbish and the person won’t feel happy and tomorrow he or she might not step his or her foot to your shop again, but when items is in order and clean the person is entice to purchase the product and even sit comfortable to collect some fresh air he might see other things to purchase because you worth it. Secondly it’s you again, brush your teeth well, bath well, put on good cloth, apply good body spray like: chair- man, royal etc. You are looking take away you know. You derive joy attending to them and they can see you are serious and there are happy. Some of them don’t just come to patronize your business with you or it is a cheap something, hell no! They visit you because of your nice  out-fit that’s all.


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