THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE USED FOR MONEY RITUALS Written By Lucyene Johnsonidak, A Facebook Friend Every woman is an altar, only altars give blood to stay alive! During monthly flow; she bleeds 60 times a year.... When deflowered, blood leaves her! During child bearing, blood leaves her! You can't come in contact with an altar an remain the same..... During rituals; Women private parts Women undies Is it only women that have destines? No! The men do. Women are eternal portal, it's only through women that life comes to the earth realm..... Buddha was born by a woman! Mohamed was born by a woman! Eckakan was born by a woman! EvenJesus couldn't by pass the protocol! Adam fell by the hands of a woman! Samson lost focus on the laps of a woman! Even Elijah ran at the word of a woman! Young ladies, I want to open your eyes to what you carry! Sin came to the world through a woman and God introduced Jesus through a woman! Even the first person to carry the resurrection message of Chr...