

 FORMATION IN THE EXAMINATION HALL By: Unknown Source We’ve all been hearing of this as students, but what does it mean exactly? .............. Ps I hope an invigilator doesn’t see this  ............... Formation in the examination hall resulted as a metaphor of the popular sport of football used to describe the flow of answers in the examination hall.   The game of football involves certain concepts relatable in this context.  The goal : This is used to represent the answer to the question in the examination hall.  The strikers :  These are those who know the actual answers to the questions,  this are the show runners, the celebrities, respected by men, admired, stalked and frantically pursued by women  especially when the exams are close by.  The midfielders :  These ones don’t actually know the answers to the questions, without the strikers in the formation, they would obviously fail the exam, but they do have basic knowledge of what ...


  IF I FINISH WITH MY PURPOSE WHAT SHOULD I BE DOING HERE? Written By Michael C. Samuel. An inspirational writer. It seems that everything about life's purpose involves questions. I said this because I had encountered a lot in my inbox and none came without a question. The purpose is a gift for mankind to leave a footprint that show you really lived. But the plan God has for us went south because of the lackadaisical attitude of our forefathers. I was watching a video last night and the guy made the above statement, I answered him without wasting time but it all happened in my mind. I understand that this same question might be running in someone's mind and I thought it wise to share my view with you. The purpose is an assignment and it is also a race. It is an assignment because you can't define what you aren't aware of and there is no how you could solve a question you don't comprehend. For this, I am saying that until the Lassignment is fully understood by you, y...

Don't Be Shamed Of Your Failures

 Written By Orji Victor CP > Don't Be Shamed Of Your Failures. > Don't try to cover your failures for too long. > Don't be ashamed, angry or depressed when others discover and discuss your failures. > Don't be discouraged in giving life a second chance and a second or third push. > Don't write anyone off bc even those that caused your failures might still be used to raise you up.  Remember, when a man's way pleases the Lord, He the Lord makes him to be at peace with his enemy... ...In these ways, you will overcome the failures and break away from it's consequences. ©️Orji Victor CP


Written By Fred Legend NOTHING IS PERMANENT IN THIS LIFE.  Whatsapp killed BBM Bluetooth killed Infrared Xender killed Bluetooth CDs killed  Cassettes Phone killed Post Office SMS killed Letter Writing Civilization killed Culture Computer killed Typewriter Money killed True Love Solar power will soon  kill Nepa and  POS is killing ATM machine and queue in the bank. So my beloved whatever position you are today use it positively, tomorrow may not be yours but someone else's, it is the measure you met on them today you will get tomorrow, so live a life with the fear of God in you. No condition is permanent in this world, Be humble


 AFRICA NEEDS FUTURISTIC STORYTELLERS AND CONTENT CREATORS Written By Kenneth Nwakanma Long before the white man invented flying machines, several of their creative authors had written fictions about flying machines.  Long before their engineers built spacecrafts and launched into space, the white creative writer had already written novels about space travels.  Long before they invented intercontinental ships that can travel around the world, a white man called Jules Verne, in 1889 already written a novel called "Round the Word in Eighty Days" Long before Elon Musk thought of establishing habitations in other planets, I have read novels of interplanetary adventures written by inspired white novelists and storytellers. Check out Jonathan Swift of Gulliver's Travel, E.V. Odle, who wrote a novel about Cyborgs in 1923 or Arthur C. Clarke, 1968, who in his work Space Odyssey, wrote about Ipad,  and many more.  Long before America took over the world as the bastion of...

I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament

 In Just 2Days,10Copies Down. I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament Written By Michael C. Samuel I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament. When I'm about to launch this book #youarelimitless, the only thing that got me scared is the selling part of it. Hear this, a lot of people have amazing books in them but when they remember the selling aspect of it, they will withdraw back to their comfort zone. I have found the solution to that predicament. This phobia has no limit, remember I have written three awesome books before this one but the phobia is still there, this is to tell you that, it doesn't matter how many books you have written so far as SELLING IT is involved, you will get a bit scared. This phobia of selling my book made me reached out to some afflicted marketers who know their game in the system, of course, I was willing to pay a good price but guess what happened, they turned me down. They only accepted to teach me the game, but at this time, a lot of th...


  REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT MARRY LATE. Credit: Umknowm Writter We are in a generation of late marriage. More singles are feeling comfortable marrying at 40, 45 and 50 and feel that is the best time for them since they do not want to make a mistake. That is not God's best time for you. God said a man should enjoy the wife of his YOUTH not old age (Proverbs 5:18; Ecclesiastes 9:9; Songs of Solomon 4:15; Malachi 2: 14-15). Though singleness is to be enjoyed to the maximum by pursing your vision and serving God,  you should not over stretch your singleness please. Don't let the teaching of  "God's time is the best" make you sit down,  relax,  fold your arms when you have serious battle to do! Some ladies gave me the example of Sinach who married at 41 and gave birth at 46. Sinach for a long time allegedly claimed she wanted to remain single and not get married. She chose to stay single for life but changed her mind later. If it is not your choice to stay single for li...