

  *3 POST-COVID FIREWALL OPPORTUNITIES YOU CAN TAP INTO*  Written By ISAAC JOHN-AGBO  Life & Business Coach  Global Investor Digital Networker ⛲🤽🏑🚃🏎 For a while, I have been campaigning on the need to build businesses that are  COVID-19 proof, I'm glad some heeded to my advice whereas some didn't.  I also mentioned the need to own a foreign investment or at least earn in foreign currencies especially in any of these currencies ($, €, £) Recently, the *black market* exchange rate of 1 dollar is about #470 plus 1 Pound is about #600 plus 1 Euro is about #550 plus Even, 1 Yuan is about #70 plus That should tell you something!  It should tell you the current state of our currency against other currencies especially the three pairs mentioned above.  The truth is, this free fall of Naira to Dollar may not slow down anytime soon. What that means is, the situation of Nigeria and most African countries may even get worse in the coming months. Am I ...


  WHAT LEADERSHIP IS NOT AND WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT: From Victor Orji CP,  🏐🥊💥⛲🤼 - Leadership is not all about position or Post. It's all about Function. You may be functional more than those with positions if you choose to. You may be a great Leader without position or portfolio.  -Leadership is more than an office. Bad mentality make people prefer positions more than functionality, that's why some fight for positions. ,- Leadership is not about superiority. You may be a boss and remain like a status without knowing what is going on. - Leadership is not all about Personality, but about quality. - Leadership is not all about Age, though Age should be respected. There is nothing like "foundamental member", "who came before who," but the best idea. - Leadership is not all about Lordship. You do not Lord it over people. People should not be afraid of you as a Leader. - Leadership is not all about yourself. Try to influence someone. Train someone who can be ab...

What To Do When You Have To Act Like Everything's

  Hi  Friends , This is Leon From Life hack Work 💥💢💥💢🏓🤼 You might have read about successful individuals or celebrities who battle with depression and other forms of mental health issues due to certain pressures that have been placed on them. Expectations, commitment to deliver, or having to act in a certain way have let them to great success, but it comes at a great price too.  What about you?  I'm sure in your own life you'd have felt certain pressures.. you may not even be aware of?  Like wanting to be the best for your partner in a relationship, or wanting to be the best parent to your kid. Or in your job where you have to please your boss and out perform in order to get that promotion.  Between being told we have the same amount of hours in the day as Taylor Swift, and the barrage of memes that claim we should be starting a business, and completing 50-leven projects, there is a pressure to perform at the highest level possible.  Every rapper...


 THE FOUR KEYS TO SUCCESS IN THIS LIFE AND IN THE HEREAFTER From The Unknown  🏇🚔🏍🏅🏅🥊🏇🏒🏐 *1. SABR* : Patience, steadfastness, endurance and accepting what Allah Has destined for you. This will make you strong to face more hardship and will give you rewards in this life by lifting your troubles and with many goodness in the next life. *2. SHUKR* : Gratefulness, being thankful to Allah for everything, feeling content with what Allah Has given you. This will make you feel rich even if you have little and it will get you rewarded here by increasing your blessings here and with Jannah in the hereafter. *3. TAQWA* : Piety, righteousness, good manners, doing what is prescribed and keeping away from all that's forbidden. This will make you loved by Allah, His angels and mankind. You will be rewarded in this life by always having a way out and you will be rewarded with Jannah in the next life. *4. TAWAKKUL* : Putting your total and overall trust in Allah, leaving your affairs i...

What Makes You Different?

  Hi Friends,  What Makes You Different?  By John Paul , For Smallstarter Business  🏋🏎🏍🏅🏏🏑🏓🏐🏒 Two people can have the exact same business idea. But it’s the person with a better business model who will likely succeed. That’s why business models are so powerful. But what exactly is a business model? What does it mean? Here is a good example: Apple This month, Apple became the first company in the world to be worth more than $2 trillion. Yes, that’s TRILLION. Apple is a successful company because of the gadgets it sells -- iPhones, iPads, iMacs, etc. But guess what… Apple doesn’t own a single factory that makes phones or gadgets. It’s part of Apple’s business model. And that’s what makes a good business model so powerful. Every business model has 3 important parts In this week's episode of the Smallstarter Business Podcast, I explain each of the 3 parts that make a successful business model. By changing at least one of these 3 parts, you can create a unique ad...

The Only Accurate Way To Improve Your Time Management

  Hi –  Friends  I'Am   Carthage Buckley  I regularly get asked for advice about how to schedule your day. It is difficult to give advice in this area as everyone has different needs and challenges to face.  These things will influence what you can and cannot do, along with what will and will not work best for you.  So, my advice is simple. Check it out here Have a fantastic day, Carthage

Business Plan Kit + 1,900 Templates To Build Business

  Content By Business In A Box Everything You Need to Start, Plan, Organize, Manage, Finance & Grow Your Business, In One Place. 💡💤💢🔥💥💨 50% Rebate on Business-in-a-Box Today Get Full Access Now Covers All Departments: Business Plan Administration Legal Agreements Sales & Marketing Human Resources Finance & Accounting Production & Operations Starting a Business Includes 1,900+ Templates: Business Plans Business Policies Business Proposals Business Procedures Agreements & Contracts Board Resolutions Business Forms Business Checklists Business Guides Invoices & Receipts Job Descriptions Letters & Notices Meeting Minutes Press Releases Spreadsheets Tests & Surveys Worksheets And much more 50% Rebate on Business-in-a-Box Today Get Full Access Now     All the Templates You Need to Run Your Business 1,900+ Document Templates Created by Lawyers & Experts Professional-Looking Formatting Simply Fill-in-the-Blanks & Print Acces...