Written Content By Unknown Person 🐼🤧🤡 My name is KOFI AMOAH, I own a company, none of my staff knew me as the owner except the Manager and the Secretary. (I had told them not to disclose my identity). I don't usually go for a visit. One day, I visited the company and I saw my Ex wife, who had thrown me out of my own house. I asked the Manager and he said she is one of their staff. I instructed the Manager to promote her to Personnel Officer, gave her a car, a bungalow, garden boy, security and other emoluments. An undeserved position though, of which he did. A month later, I went there as a job seeker. As soon as she saw me with my application and CV, she rejected me outright, threw my application at my face, and immediately retrieved it from the floor and tore it to pieces and threw it into the waste bin. After regaling me with all my past, she informed me I would never get employment nor an opportunity at the company. Also, she swore on heaven and the earth that all this wou...