
Do You Have A Vision? 🕜

Written And Directed By Mrs Obialo Grace  💥💤🔥➗ From the book of Proverbs:  Where there is no Vision my people perish. ⏳⏰⌛ Do you have a vision? What's your purpose here on Earth? I have a vision and a purpose here on Earth. I must make impact on Earth. I must touch lives. That your vision, doesn't push you? It must he such that gives you joy, even in your weakness you must have the passion to pursue that Vision, never giving up easily, not allowing any distractions to stop you on the way. Am striving towards accomplishing mine. I don't know about you. Plan it today, otherwise you are failing already without plan. Good luck.

How To Ensure You Stay On Track Your Goals And Priorities

  Hi Friends, By 💘 – Carthage Buckley  here, ☝👎👍 No matter how good you think you are with your time management, you are going to stray off track from time to time. Life happens, emergencies arise and, you have some bad days. The important thing is that you identify when you have strayed off track, as early as possible, so that you can get yourself back on track. This is where a time management review comes in. Today’s article shows you how to use a time management review to ensure you are being as effective as possible. Check it out here Have a fantastic day, Carthage 


  THE POOR, THE RICH AND THE BANK. 🤜🤛 Hi Buddies,   let check something very important and inspiring below 👇 1- A bank is a broker between the poor and the rich. 2- The only place where the two meet is in a bank. 3- The poor brings the money, in form of savings. 4- The rich takes it, through borrowing. 5- A poor person saves the money because they have more money than their thinking capacity. 6- They keep the money in the bank so they can go and think what to do with the money they have saved. 7- On the other side, the rich people come to pick that money, through borrowing, because they have more ideas than the money they have. 8- On a practical side, please who can show me one billionaire who got rich through saving. 9- I will show you a million Africans who have money saved in the banks and are still renting the houses that the Millionaires and billionaires build through the poor people savings which the rich borrowed from a bank. 10- I have now realised that the bes...


 ARE YOU STILL A BABY IN THE            LORD?🤼🤹 Written By Mrs Obialor Grace 🚿🛁🚽🛀 Many Christains today refuse to grow, still remain babies, desiring to be taught again what we had known when we 1st came to Christ. At a time we ought to be teachers, there is need that we should still be taught, instead of desiring strong meat.  Strong meat is for those who have allowed the word of God they have heard, and experiences they have had to bring them to maturity. There wouldn't have been continuity of the gospel if everyone who had heard the Good News and became saved had remained as a baby. It is those who allowed themselves to grow unto maturity that can teach others. May we grow unto maturity in Christaindom to be able to pass on the Good News.

The Best Part About Your Life

🥃🍼🥂🥛 There is no such thing as "success"   Written By Mark Manson 🍢🍌🍠🍘🍚 Welcome to another Mindf*ck Monday, the only weekly newsletter that promises not to date your sister, then does it anyway. Each week, I send you three potentially life-changing ideas to help you be a slightly less awful human being. This week, we’re talking about: 1) definitions of success, 2) the best and worst parts of ourselves, and 3) I’m hiring (yet again).  Let’s get into it.  (Note: If you enjoy this email, please consider forwarding it to someone who would get a lot out of it. If you were forwarded this email, you can  sign up  to receive it each Monday morning. It’s free.)  1. Arbitrary definitions of "success"  - When you’re an author in the self-help genre, there are certain questions you get again and again regardless of how interesting or important you believe them to actually be. For example, if I had a dollar for every time a heartbroken twenty-something ema...

You Should'nt Feel Obligated, "Why?"

 Carthage Buckley  Hi Friends  🌚💱👛 Scott was a client of mine from California. He had come to me for time management coaching.  He was ambitious, intelligent and driven; but he was incredibly disorganised. As hard as he worked, he regularly felt like he was getting nowhere. At the beginning of one of our first sessions, I noticed that he was in a bad mood. When I asked why, he told me that he had just gotten back from a friend’s birthday party in New York. He hadn’t really wanted to go and, he hadn’t enjoyed himself. So, I asked why he had gone and received the following reply: ‘We were good friends who grew up together. We were always close as kids and it is nice to see him. I felt obliged to go.’ When I pushed him further, Scott told me the following: His friend would be home in California at least once a year but they would rarely meet up during this time. They rarely (every 6 months or so) exchanged calls, texts, emails or any other communication. While he lik...


HOW TO FIND & KEEP THE RIGHT BUSINESS PARTNER TO GROW YOUR STARTUP By John Paul  🍳🍫☔🌀 To grow a business, you need people with the right skills and experience. But as a #startup, you often cannot afford the kind of pay or salary that may attract and keep such people. That's why equity deals are sometimes necessary. By offering a share of your business (equity), you can often "buy" the loyalty and commitment of good people to your business. But equity deals at the startup stage are like a marriage -- it's for the long term and divorce can be costly and devastating to a young business. So, how do you make sure that a potential business partner is the right person before you give them equity? And how do you value the business to determine how much equity you should offer? Yesterday, I had an interesting strategy session with Nosipho, the newest member of our Insiders community. She is an engineer and CEO of Torque Engineering in Jo'burg, South Africa. During t...