Theory: 14 principles Of Management Administrative
By Henri Fayol- Career Admistrator Theory: 14 principles Of Management Administrative 🏡🏠🏯🗻 Henri Fayol created Administrative Theory or 14 principles of management on the management. His Administrative Theory or 14 principles of management following are: Division of Work: This principle the same as Adam Smith’s ‘Division of labour’. Authority: Manager must be able to give the order. Authority gives this right. Discipline: Employees must obey and respect the rules and regulations which governs the organization. Unity of Command: Every employee should receive order or direction from only one upward or superior. Unity of Direction: Each group of the organization should be direction by one manager using one plan. Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest: The management must see that the aims of the businesses are always supreme. Remuneration of Personnel: The labours must be paid a reasonable salary for their work. Centralization: The proces...