Written By Miracle Kalu


Here's a cross section of the books in my personal library. These books cut across different areas of life; church, finances, relationships, motivation, health. Name them.

They are books I bought with my money. Many of them were bought with money meant for food. Many others were bought with money meant for clothes. Practically speaking, at the point of payment for some of them in bookstores, I shed tears. Real tears, not crocodile tears. Releasing the money (which I didn't even have) was a huge sacrifice. It was like Abraham giving out Isaac.

Many times I have been criticized by people close to me, my mum inclusive. Fewer times I too had gotten mad at myself for spending just so much on personal development.

But here's the thing. 

Do you think I am wasting my time? Do you think God will let all these efforts be wasted? Do you really think this righteous God will let all these sacrifices go down the drain? 

Many of you have been investing in one venture or the other just to better your lives and that of your unborn children. I am here today to tell you that it's not going to be a waste. The Lord who sees in secret will reward you in open. Your tears are wetting the soil for a grand harvest. The same palms with the blisters today will carry the award tomorrow. Just don't give up. Don't stop working on yourself. The world will soon pay you for what you know. In millions. Millions of dollars. 

God bless you.

Pens down.


