COMPETENCE OVER PLATFORM Written By UWALAKA CHARITY, She's Also A PROFESSIONAL CLEANER While competence is quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task. Platform is the medium you express suitability for a particular task. Competence precedes platform and not vice versa. But what do we see in recent times? People seeking for platform over competence. In simpler terms people seeking for platforms first before building their abilities. Getting platforms before building capacity is simply an endorsement to display weakness in it's raw state. Your competence well utilized becomes the platform for other platforms to be built on. The competent one isn't so much of a desperado seeking for too many platforms , their suitable ability announces them all the way. While you're just starting out... Don't seek for platforms first, start with what you have and build capacity to the maximum. The people you see on various platforms today fed on competence vorac...