

  YOUR BODY, AN ASSET By ...Orji Victor CP 🍔🍟🍝🍭🍬 If you must achieve your vision, If you must fulfill your ministry,  If you must be successful in life, then the body must play a vital role to it.  Pls take good care of your body.  The day it breaks down, vision, ministry and success are gone. May you enjoy healthy body now and always, in Jesus name, Amen. ...Orji Victor CP #yourbodyisyourasset #takegoodcareofyourbody

What Is One Thing That Makes Your Life Worth Living?"

  Hi Friends, What is one thing that makes your life worth living?" 🌴🍀🌵🍁 By Leon From Lifehack  If I were to ask you - "What is one thing that makes your life worth living?" 🥀🏵🦇🕊🦃 How would you respond? For me, one thing that makes my life worth living, is my wife and kids. There are a few other things that I call my  Life missions . It just means a sort of quest in my life that's meaningful to me. And fulfilling these missions gives my life a sense of purpose and significance. Life missions are the reasons that make life worth living --- and what makes me look forward to pursuing each day. It's a concept I follow to ensure the life I'm living is full of purpose and contentment. And I'm not reliant on extrinsic motivators like wealth or status to determine my happiness. Because the life missions I pursue are intrinsically motivating, they are things I pursue on autopilot and I don't need to rely on artificial rewards or punishments to motivat...

My Sincere Advice To Everyone

 *My sincere advice* By Unknown Writter  🔆🔅📧🔄🔂 I've observed that many people don't usually apply for project based PhD. This maybe because the project titles are usually far away from them or complex than what they have learnt throughout their undergrad/MSc studies. This is true. I'd the same experience. But I decided to give it a try. And thanks to my mentors who supported me by proofreading and critiquing my essays, and overall applications.  My dear reader, the big take away from this advice is don't be discouraged by the apparent complexity of the titles of many of these project based PhD opportunities. You're likely to understand them  if you do a bit of research about them. If you need to write one or few page essays or research proposal for your application, please learn how to do it excellently. Often, you'll need to cite high quality research papers in your write-up, especially papers from the leading authors in the field you're trying to inve...

1,900 +Templates To Build Your Business

Composed Content By  Business-in-a-Box Includes 🏡🏣🏤   Everything You Need to Start, Plan, Organize, Manage, Finance & Grow Your Business, In One Place. 🚾🚽🛀🚿🛁 1,900+ Business Management Templates, Just One Click Away. Get Full Access - Unlimited Downloads Covers All Departments: Business Plan Administration Legal Agreements Sales & Marketing Human Resources Finance & Accounting Production & Operations Starting a Business Business-in-a-Box Includes: Business Plans Business Policies Business Proposals Business Procedures Agreements & Contracts Board Resolutions Business Forms Business Checklists Business Guides Invoices & Receipts Job Descriptions Letters & Notices Meeting Minutes Press Releases Spreadsheets Tests & Surveys Worksheets And much more 50% Rebate on Business-in-a-Box Today Get Full Access Now

I Have 100k, What Business Can I Go Into?

Composed By Happy Innocent Ezem 🏮💈🚿  I Have 100k, What Business Can I Go nto? 🚑🚒🚓 Oga the business you will go into will fail, why? Starting a business is not about the money you have, starting a business should be because you want to solve a particular problem that can give you good returns.  But however, with 100k, just go and learn a 21st century skill, then present yourself as an expert, market yourself SHAMELESSLY.  In 12months, come and share your testimony.  Happy Innocent Ezem Under30blackCeo #Happyspeaks #Under30BlackCeo #Radicalme

Forget This Old Myth...

  Hi Friends  – Carthage Buckley  here, 🚧🚶⛲ The old myth about ‘good stress’ is very dangerous. There is no such thing as good stress. People who believe in ‘good stress’ refuse to deal with stress when it shows up in their life. As a result, the stress gets progressively worse until it eventually blows up.  The person experiencing the stress starts to experience some serious issues which impact every area of their life.  It is then more difficult and more painful to deal with the stress. To avoid this, you need to be aware of the onset of stress. Today’s article provides some common physical symptoms of stress which will help you identify when you need to take action. Check it out here Have a fantastic day,

3 Situation Where You Must Say 'No'...

  Hi – Buddies,   Carthage  Buckley here, 🥚🍙🍚🍜 I have been coaching clients to improve their time management for many years.  I regularly encounter people who are completely overburdened with work.  If they could double the length of every day, they still would not be able to meet the demands which have been placed upon them; including the demands that they have placed upon themselves. It is pointless trying to help these people organise themselves and their time until they have mastered one vital step – they must learn to say ‘No’. Today’s article gives you 3 very clear situations where you must learn to say no if you are ever going to be productive. Check it out here Have a fantastic day, Carthage